Precisely. I think most people agree a proper FT tutorial and a damage reduction is the best course of action for balance.

I mean balancing randoms…potato is gonna potato, you can’t balance that. You can limit it with training though. Same goes the other way, a well coordinated, experienced FT is gonna make you sweat and get white knuckled even using actual nerf weapons.

It’s tricky and I give the devs all the credit in the world trying to find balance in this but there’s always something going to blow up the average numbers.

Maybe. I like the balance right now actually. I’d rather see some guns get a buff like the grenade launcher, mini gun, ABR-Z, and G-ROW.

The most obvious gun that needs a damage nerf is the SAWZ50.

I think that coordinated teams should be extremely hard to defeat.

I truly believe the biggest issue with balance right now is how quickly most of the missions can be completed.

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Honestly I think the only thing that would help randoms is dodging.
A roll dodge that takes all stamina and cant be done unless you have at least 50% stamina.

But this would require more reworks.
You’re right, low tier players will always play badly, mainly cause they dont care about actually trying, but idk.

I’m just going purely off my matches.
They tend to dip as soon as I blaze through them.
But a lot of them just die like they do cause they dont work together or pay attention at all.

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I proposed the idea of a roll/dive when I first got on the forums. In the end I think I was convinced it would simply be too much to implement. It would take the place of parry too, as you could simply roll/dive away instead of parrying. Plus could be used if being PC blasted or pincushioned by arrows.

I think a tutorial would go a long way. Had an idea I also posted about that last month and how I felt it was the best thing to do. Basically teach players that wandering too far away from a teammate will get you killed. Basically a bit pred would insta kill or claim you if you got too far away from your bot FT

Mission times are absolutely a core gameplay change needed. Speed run FT is the biggest problem in the game all together.


I’m thinking dodge and parry.
So those who want to parry, can parry.

Those who rather dodge, can dodge.
I like multiple options.

No gun needs a buff.
It’s like I told Cadillac, some ft guns need a nerf.
They’re the problem, not ft as a whole.

Ft should have to work together to survive or kill the pred.
Right now, that isnt the case.

I think at this point even if a roll mechanic were introduced it’s impossible to eliminate parry

See parry in this game makes things weird for me.
On one hand, I love it.
I like when i parry attacks, and I like that the ft can parry mine.

I love doing 1v1 duels, claw vs knife.
Problem is when you get parried and you get shot by other ppl.

Parry completely negates melee, which I dont think should be the case, but only in a group scenario, not a 1v1.

But what would be a way to make this better is beyond me.
I still think it’s too easy to parry in this game tho.
I have always felt it should require more precise timing than it does now.

Idk like I keep saying, this game needs a rework.

As for me tho, I am literally just waiting for a 2v8, or 3v10 mode. Hell il be happy with a 4v14 too.

I feel like all of these should be thrown in.
I just want to team up with other preds.
That’s all I want as this point.

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I always like tp discuss with you dont get me wrong 🙂

Absolutly yes, most of people would agree with that

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G-ROW is good in my opinion.

Damn Arrow is good lol.

That said no amount of tutorials or whatever its going to chance anything. Its the decision making where to sit, when to fall back, when to rush to help your mate. Hardware you use (for instance, when someone get’s attacked to identify what’s attacking them and find him by sound). I’ve seen countless randoms who perform the same action that just downed them over and over!
Just look in his videos how much damage the randosm do! Imagine if arrow was not with them, the predator would eat them ALIVE! Assuming you would have the numbers the que should take into account skill and place you based on that in teams and against enemies of the same rating. Problem is, this game does not have the numbers for that so… The best thing they could’ve done is to balance around premades. 3+ people in a premade should give predator buffs so to not effect randoms to keep them hitting that que.

Not gonna be mean… until you play a pc premade in private matches your opinions do mot matter… that honestly goes for the majority

Right now aim and projectile based weapons suck on pred. The dmg just isnt up to par with the heals the ft has and hp. The reason the dmg isnt high is due to randos that have 300 hrs and still get destroyed in everymatch

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Nah nah fuck that.
That would be the same as saying you cant say shit unless you play on console.

You guys don’t matter more, nor are you more important.
You can suck my dick on that one.


And honestly a youtubers can get a real job and stop doing a hobby to try to get rich. Get some real
Life skills and then maybe you can talk about who’s opinions matter or not. So honestly go to your nearest farm and bring a step stool and take a horse into you

I better not hear you talk about how my opinion on balance does not really matters since I don’t play predator… (even if right now I do play predator to some degree in clash lol!)

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If it’s so easy you do it xD.
I wanna see if you can pull it off.