Highest Damage You've Scored against 'a Predator'.?

I’m on ps4. I rarely use the share feature. There’s no reason to even post a screenshot lol.

Well this is really root of the discussion. The argument can be made that if you’re taking that kind of damage you’re doing something very wrong. I’ve even said that a characteristic of a good pred is the ability to deal more damage than you take. Like seriously how many times did he melee charge unsuccessfully to take this kind of damage?

Personally, I’ll never take that much damage in this game when playing pred either because I’m moving a lot more and changing up my tactics to avoid getting hit, or the FT simply isn’t letting me heal. The bottom line is “good pred” is subjective and a fair argument can be made that numbers like this are actually proof the Predator wasn’t good. Not saying it wouldn’t be a fun match, or a good match, just that the skill level is questionable without a standard.

Potato Predators usually go down as they’re trying to heal or after the first heal. Meaning, there isn’t a lot of damage being done to them. A good Predator will stay alive as long as possible, while still putting the hurt on the fireteam.


Sorry @Aihrui and @Demodre. Had to post it… :) Just found out i have these screenshots.




Sorry. Didn’t get it…

Sweeping_Fuse9, the match against Demo.

Played with him a few times, loves to taunt the pred and play Vince McMahon’s old entrance theme song. Funny as hell and all around good guy


Lol I got sweeping fuse and his pre-made last night! Him and ty-chi2 both used medics ugggh such a Crutch!!

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I’m a good pred if I simply heal up and eat more bullets? :o

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If as along with that you are capable of dealing decent damage to the FT and killing someone, yes.

Seriously, over this shit?
Like all of you, this is the most ridiculous shit to argue over.

Theres different factors some of you ain’t even considering.
So y’all shut the fuck up.

Or il summon a fusion. Of Deadeyebuddah and Fantasma.

Evil which you cant even imagine.



Ju mother fakking bishes are the sons of the great whore who spoon feeds their orphan children with target iso.


Dick measuring on a casual game, full of casual players where on top of it, 90% of the player base are 6 year olds moving like headless chickens during all the match…

I will unleash the hounds of hell!


Begin operation apocalypse.


Those kids are good at hiding xD


It ain’t even about that.
Good or bad pred, the point is literally just the number.

Like a high score.
You wont always get 10k.
So it’s like, ok sure cool.

That’s what it should be about.

I remember and old post someone saying they got 16k posted a pic too.
That’s the score to beat lmao.

I remember when the introduced private matches modifiers…

I played as pred and the whole team got a combined damage of almost half a million, LMAO


This entire thread went from a simple look at this awesome game I had where I got massive damage to he say she said pile of shit

My helmet head is bigger than yours!
My neckbeard is thicker than yours!
My virginity has been intact longer than you!
My parents provide me a shit bucket so I can game all day!

Lol!! There are a few good eggs on this thread that try to keep it civil! But everyone likes to force there perception of “good” on ppl! Mostly these new tutu wearing scrubs!

I see alot of players who claim they are “good” but like to abuse broken mechanics when they face a Pred that they know will kick there teeth in if they dont abuse those mechanics!


I still stand by what I said earlier, I only fight preds that are in the top ten of the leaderboards.