A lot of people want to keep the current cloak but a lot of people want small changes to it… not too major.
I will name few people who actually want justice for both sides @Fire & @Lazycollinator & @Slasher_Clone
Okay so to begin with… we all know the cloak goes full invis after 45-50 meters, BUT HOWEVER
You are still able to mark him and make him show his “green mask icon” for your team incase he is firing at u guys, so just to point that out as a fact.
You also see his energy charge and bow trails and you still can spot him with pressing spot button for his green icon to appear.
Okay now that’s out of the way i want to talk a bit more about what cloak really needs to have, this current one.
Okay so how it works is basically in 45 meter proximity he is like very hard to see which is good cause now you need skills and either one or two guys to pay attention to the predator to not ambush u guys fully… or just one guy keeping an eye.
But what i don’t like is how when in close proximity when u crouch walk the cloak is still visible as if u were running around normally. That needs to be fixed for like more realistic approach.
Okay but my main issue with the cloak is how it becomes invisible fully… not the fact that it DOES.
I am saying that when he just crosses 45 meters he is just POOF gone like a magician lol.
I want to suggest that there should be sort of FADING IN-OUT render scaling of textures so u still see the shimmer when he is coming closer and that its not TOO INSTANT
I also want to suggest there should be random SHIMMERS if he is like let’s say nearby 50 meters upto 80 meters up close radius of fireteam… AND they happen WHEN PREDATOR is jumping around aka leaping, or moving fast, when he crouch walks in the distance he should be completely invisible if you ask me…
But so lets recap what i have just said.
- Predator SHOULD be able to crouch walk in distance with being invisible as he is
- Predator’s cloak SHOULD shimmer when he is leaping like a maniac or changing tree’s from distance BUT its very hard to notice the shimmer from distance.
- Predator should SHIMMER when he is firing from the vast distances just to give some sort of comfort for the player, but also hard to notice, you need to keep an eye.
- Predator’s CLOAK Radius SHOULD remain the same being 45m and then he is basically a ghost.
- Predator NEEDS Better cloak textures visibility for fireteam (optional)
Message to the devs:
You did excellent job on the predator’s cloak finally as it should have been since day 1 and it giving fear to people