Time to end the cloaking debate (video)


You bastard!

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Nah I’m at work, I’ll be on later today though



you have to be more receptive to people’s complaints. They are complaining about the layer … and they have the right, even if it is wrong, I keep saying that the problem they refer to is given by the low frame rate. Instead of attacking them, you should help them to see it. more competent players or premades are likely not to suffer as much because they almost always keep the focus on the mission or at least not allowing accumulations of AI, which are one of the triggers for falling frames. that is the problem that many live, although not all can explain it. You should just encourage it to work on frame optimization in Ps4. but in the same way that the “partisans” of one side or the other defend their own without seeing the background of the authentic balance. Only attacking the other’s argument instead of refuting it and proposing a viable solution. “Since it doesn’t happen to me or I don’t want to see it, it doesn’t exist.” however we do not see the atoms, but they are there

Okay i think the close up cloak shouldn’t be touched… maybe textures can be more refined… to look more HD…

Everyone should read my topic honestly… think this is the most fair thing to do for RANDOMS…

It wouldn’t nerf the cloak at all honestly as long as you play properly lol…

But as i said… CLOSE UP cloak shouldn’t be touched… just textures needs to be HD

BTW most of the pics @SkooLBoY_SkePtiK can’t be properly seen due to BITRATE of the video and compression of the website.


I dont usually have to… its usually legolas bow shots 10m to the face

Looks fine to me

Yeah, that is kind of scary.

But I agree with @Coffee2Go, the Predator needs a new texture for when invisible, not buff or debuff the cloak, just make it look better


The only thing that scares me tho is not the people opinions, its the fact that devs might hear something totally different…

And if that happens they might totally fuck up the cloak that’s totally fine except it has no SMOOTHER TRANSITIONS going from 45 meters to like 100…

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Yeah, hope the devs doesn’t go 180° because of misunderstanding, I say the current cloak is near perfection that actually puts the FT on a tough situation and gives the Predator a reliable tool to use. The cloak just needs some minor adjustements and improvements, no major things just some minor ones.


Fire is a friend of James Cameron. James Cameron can confirm he would not lie about this.


Your not the real james Cameron… he has no friends

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Well he has friends but they are only his friends when his has money. When he broke not so much

Halo has extremely sticky aim assist that tracks pretty noticeably through corners but the killer is Bullet Magnatism making the bullets actually curve and give headshots & makes strafing and jumping irrelevant as the hitboxes are 1/3rd bigger than they actually are.
It’s the one PC game you should be playing with a controller because of how strong it is. It was the first time ive seen mouse complain about fairness.

Haha yeah i remember watching summit1g lose his shit on reach. That was golden

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About 45m is the visibility while cloak and moving limit. I got the video coming soon.

Thank you for posting this!
FT mains shut up and GIT GUD!!!


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Truth have spilled from your holly post!

I can volunteer for some testing if anyone needs. Curious on this myself