Hope for the next patch

Remotion maybe is gonna be too much agreed, but still need some nerfs like they cannot revive with ALL their kit restored.

Have you seen how much damage a fireteam can do with just one gun? Trust me reinforcements are overkill for the competent teams and double health will be absurd. We can’t cater to people that rage quit the game. They’ll leave no matter what happens.

There’s nothing with letting them try again, premade or not if you can’t switch play style when needed As a predator then you done for especially PC players

That doesn’t make predators weak That just makes you guys uneducated with him

Thats why in my opinion they have to make predator harder and ft easier for console player specially, but at the same time balancing at higher level, they will put the tutorial and I think that if it done well, it will help many people to understand how to play with the team and hear the predator without go head down like a retard with tunnel vision.

It’s a win some lose some with randoms. All depends on who you get. But you have to expect that you’ll lose more often with randoms that’s just how it is with any game.

There is when it gives them an advantage over the predator. You can only switch strategies as much as you can bring limited equipment with you. Any decent fireteam can adapt to any change of strategy the fireteam makes.

I can’t agree, if I’ve died as a predator it’s because I have made a mistake not them.

I used to feel the same exact way. But now I’ve gotten to that point in playing as Predator I’m confident that if they do reinforce, I’ll just kill them again, in turn getting me more XP. It really is just a matter of “getting good”. You actually have to be good as the Predator to win. Not like you can rely on the NPCs to help all too much lol

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Well you’ve also got to remember a good fireteam doesn’t need to reinforce. It’s overkill for them. I mean you know it’s a broken mechanic when the fireteam have started to use it to their advantage and get themselves killed so they can get their gear back.

Mmmmm I don’t know if people are getting themselves killed deliberately to just get some equipment back. I mean I’m sure it’s been done, but it can’t be that viable. And common enough. You got to get into the mindset of “I am the Hunter, and they are MY prey”. This is probably the most balanced asymmetrical game I’ve played. A godly Fireteam and godly Predator is bound to make for a very intense match. And a Godly Fireteam doesn’t mean to just hunt the Predator. It’s to be able to have individual roles, as well as doing both objectives. The mission and hunting the Predator.

You just find an ammo crate that always restocked my nades 🤔 And Doom said it right when you have a team and a predator that know there shit it’s becomes a very fun intense game and majority of them game the predator wins

Chances are a godly fireteam will always win against a godly predator. The game holds the fireteam’s hand and gives them countless advantages while leaving the predator in the corner for the FTs entertainment. FT have hit scan weapons, high damage weapons, countless heals, countless resupplies, reinforcements, easy objectives.

What does predator have? Slow projectile based weapons that aren’t even on center point, peashooter damage, second wind which is about the only way the game gives an advantage to the predator, a self destruct that’s easily defused and clunky melee that screws over the predator by leaving him stunned when he gets parried.

I wish this game was balanced like you believe. But if it was the fireteam wouldn’t be winning a majority of matches hell they even kill the predator more than they escape in the chopper.

Ask yourself this, when you are playing as fireteam do you fear the predator? Does it give you adrenaline when you’re against him? Because for most people it doesn’t. They end up chasing him down and the predator becomes the prey. And you know something is wrong with your game when nobody takes the threat seriously.

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I’m really not trying to sound like an asshole or anything, but it honestly just doesn’t sound like you are that good as the Predator. And I can’t say shit because when I started playing this game, I was garbage as the Predator. I really did not understand the mechanics. But overtime I learned how to play. Here’s some tips I can give

  • One of the biggest things you can do to the Fireteam is to make them constantly lose hope. Keep chipping at them, make them use their heals, make them use ammo etc…the less equipment they have. The less ballsy they’ll be. Once you’ve made the whole team pretty much lose their healing items. They are terrified and have lost a lot of hope because of it. Don’t just go in for the kills all the time. But if you see someone all by themselves by all means go after and kill his ass. But good teams won’t be far from one another. So you’ll have to be doing some serious distance damage to them.

  • Second thing is BE UNPREDICTABLE. If you are attacking the team while they are in the jungle areas with a lot of foliage. Be INCREDIBLY random with attacks. Also circle them through the bushes and trees, run in circles, just make them nervous.

  • Thirdly if you face an aggressive Fireteam that is just trying to kill you, that’s when ranged combat is your best friend. Odds are they’ll be rushing you with knives as well. Don’t let that discourage you. Best counter for knifers and Parrying? Handheld Plasma Caster. They WANT you to melee. Light they’re ass up. They will run away so quick.

That’s all I can really think of now. But as you can see one common thing I kept mentioning was basically “make them lose hope, and make them nervous”. If you can successfully do that in the game. They will run around like headless chickens. Of course some Fireteams CAN work through this. But it’s not as common.

Well there’s your first mistake. I don’t play predator. Not going to touch predator with a 6ft pole. I only play fireteam. I am speaking from what I have experienced in the few matches as predator, most of my matches as fireteam watching predators get their shit pushed in and what I have seen and heard from others.

I appreciate the advice but it isn’t for me because I don’t play predator.

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So at this point are you saying the game is too easy?

And secondly yes you can do the things you suggested. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still rewarding the fireteam for screwing up.

As fireteam yes. And I play with randoms. I don’t enjoy watching predators die nearly every match

Eh in my experience more often than not, I’ll purposely let the last guy reinforce so I can kill all of them again for more xp. But if I see they are much more difficult than the average group, I’ll just kill them all asap and hope they don’t get the reinforcements

To be fair a lot of people are still buns at predator. Because of how high the learning curve is for him. You also gotta take into consideration that playing Fireteam is basically CoD which almost everyone has played. While Predator is a unique “type” of game. People will bound to be more familiar with playing FT before they are familiar with Predator.


I’ve played over 100 matches. And I have played since the trial. I refuse to believe that a majority of those are bad and the ones that won, only did so because the randoms I was with were awful.