Hope for the next patch

I’m telling you dude, it’s just people are bad at the Predator. Some are good, most aren’t. A good Predator knows they aren’t invincible. That’s the biggest problem I see. They think they can just rush everything

Like you’ll have a Predator come and try to melee someone while they are just getting gunned down as they keep meleeing this one particular person. Then they just get bodied

Reinforcements need to stay. I say this as a predator main. If you don’t want them to get the reinforcements, don’t let them. As a predator I am in control. I sometimes run into the radio when I’m running around the map. I’ll make note and sometimes set a trap. If they are sorry fireteam I always kill 3 and let one live so he can reinforcement. If they are premade and really coordinated then I will try to not let them get it if I’m out of time. Usually we go back and forth and we run into time running out. I also play the distance game with bow caster and pistol. Lots of leaps if they are spotting gods. When I play as fireteam we melt most predators. The ones that seem to complain the predator needs more buffs and fireteam needs buffs are usually the melee only predators. I also run observant so I never lose them. It is harder to play predator but it should be. Earn those trophies! Honestly I like the challenges and usually like the reinforcements, it’s just more practice and more skulls.


I agree. It’s all very situational. Whether you let them get the reinforcement or no.


Yup the more time I play a predator the better I’ll get so taking this mechanic away would be shit

Always helps to learn quickly what the fire teams mission is too

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Think once I started playing fireteam I learned quicker where everything was. Ammo health radio chopper etc. I think the reinforcement members should only spawn with whatever they died with though. Think that is fair so they aren’t dropping health all over the map knowing they will get more at reinforcements.

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Again I don’t think that’s great I don’t like that they do that but any health put down can be destroyed, I’m finding the more I understand fireteam roles with each mission I find it very easy to plan for them. Especially when you as a predator know what there doing like a great advantage for the predator is being able to see what the fire team needs to complete (yellow glowing stuff)

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Yea you literally can’t miss the glowing yellow objects, especially the chopper on derailed lol.

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I agree. Like maybe they spawn with HALF the equipment they could carry. I mean it makes sense. You died, and this is your 2nd chance. So there should be a cost to it.

Maybe if they are claimed while they were alive they get no gear and minimal ammo. If they were claimed while dead then the get what they had gear and ammo.

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I had said something on this before on another thread where if you’re long claimed you don’t get to come back at all but if you’re quick claimed you do. They could as @CallMeDoomSlayer said come back with less ammo or gear instead of coming back at 100% efficiency.

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I agree. I get the reinforcement mechanics, but it’s not really fair that the fire team gets full ammo and health but last wind with the predator gives half health and doesn’t refill ammo or items. If the fire team reinforces, they shouldn’t get fully stocked