Hotfix 3.40 or greater

How to believe and trust someone who promised us a roadmap for 2022 6 months ago and we have had nothing since


It’s because they’re slowly killing the game so they can focus on their next cash grab. She doesn’t care about our issue she’s just here to do some very weak damage control to a player base they don’t care for, unless we’re ready to buy Ghostbusters or any else of their trash.


They never promised us à roadmap.
Stop taking your Dreams for reality…

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One of the rare times I agree with you, they’ve fallen back on promises and outright scam people. They give no fucks about the game and its community and it shows.


What certainties… What do you know?

He’s not wrong they did. What they released as a roadmap was the exact same thing they had before but with this tacked on to it.


The almighty red arrow.
Guess we should have seen it for what it really was. A red flag.


The whole game is a red flag for anyone thinking of buying that Ghostbusters game.


Look you dont know what you’re talking about that game is gonna be great .

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For now. Let’s see if we can lay bear traps like that hahahaha

You know we can put the trap on the second weapon slot but since predator doesnt have extended magazine option you can’t increase the amount of gear. Even if you could increase traps ft can easily avoid traps by paying attention. It won’t help much sacrificing one weapon to use traps on a class that can’t carry it like Wolf.

I’m not talking about that. Ive never seen this glitch of infinite nades. I’ll have to figure out how to do it first, then I can begin working on how to make something similar for pred, mif it can be done

But to do it its related to the attachments of the fireteam weapons, you need that to increase to gear amount to something like a weapon maganize. With Predator that won’t do.

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They have stated that in game reporting does not go to them, it goes to the platform (sony, epic, steam). Not sure how each individual platform handles those reports.

I think is like that for every game out there. If you get banned on a game on steam, for example, your whole steam account gets banned, not just the game you were cheating on.

With a game with crossplay on, is hard to tell how it will be handled, since Sony has no way of banning epic or steam players, epic has no way of banning playstation or steam players, and steam has no way of banning epic or playstation players

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To clarify, all player conduct related issues should go towards the platform you’re playing on, first and foremost. You can also pass that info on to us but we don’t have the power to ban them off the individual platforms.

Error reports sent through your game in the case of crashing or other issues do go to us.


The biggest exploiters and bug abusers want to say what’s fair and what’s not lmaooooo…the ego on some people is beyond ridiculous.

Like I said bunch of hypocrites.

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People can’t rely on ft mains to decide what is fair or not after all. Their bias is too high.


What’s fair it’s playing as it’s intended whether you like it or not. Once you start using bugs and exploits your credibility goes out the window. Has nothing to do with which side you main on.

Its intended to be played with randoms, that’s how Illfonic balanced the ft, over the possibility of having potato braindead teammates. You go on a premade you break the game in favor of the ft. People think that their winrate on a premade has something to do with how good they are when its more about about taking advantage of Illfonic mistakes while balancing the game to win.

Illfonic did not balance the game to make it fair, to make so that the one the plays better wins. People can’t rely on incompetent companies to make things fair. Just have to take a look at night maps and see how absurd it was to the balance.

Its intended so that if you have 5 players of the same level on a match FT is going to win 9 out of 10 matches, that’s “fair”. Game was balanced so that one side should always wins while another has to rely on luck. " Fair" .

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TBH what’s “right” doesn’t necessarily means is “fair”.

illfonic balanced the game in a way that is almost impossible to win against a pre-made. And while I agree that’s the way the game should be, it also shouldn’t be so damn easy for FT.

It literally gets boring playing on pre-mades because of how damn easy it is. But that’s also in big part because of the immense amount of potatoes on this game. I swear to god most people on this game have never played video games before

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