Hotfix 3.40 or greater


This is subjective, there are plenty of ft players out there who believe it’s really hard to win. Prime example is these pred mains who win 99% of their pubs, but because they can’t win (or not always) against good premades they claim that the game is so unbalanced.

When are these people going to realize that you cannot balance an asymmetrical game? The word itself says it all ASYMMETRICAL which is synonymous with UNBALANCED.


On a premade ?

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Yes on a premade, I remember when I was a noob and couldn’t win for shit regardless if I was on a premade or not.

So what, because I have experience now the game should be balanced around my skill level? That’s not how pubs work.

If you want skill based match making go play another game.


TBH dude, I’m not a pred main. I’m do not consider myself to even be “good”, but I am by no means shit, and I still win 99% of pubs because 99% of the players out there are fucking potatoes.

But when 1 good player with 3 headless potatoes can win against you, you know the game is unbalanced as fuck

Who the FUCK would want to work for Illfonic!?!! Horrible decision @Kassinaillia please I have to know, wtf made you decide to work for such a shit team

This doesn’t discredit my statement.

What statement?

That you cannot balance asymmetrical games.

I was generally agreeing with you, but I’m not so sure this is true.

There are definitely many ways THIS game could be better balanced, although an individual will always be at a disadvantage to a group of equal skill in a perfectly “balanced” asym.

Honestly if the predator was actually stealthy and it was a 2v1 balance instead of a 1v1 balance, I would be happy with the games balance.

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I played mostly solo since launch and was always winning most matches as ft. So I will never understand how people can have a hard time on a game like this on a premade.

Technically it takes more skill to win in an unfair situation than in a fair one.

I even had a certain predator player that even manage to beat some pc premades including known ft mains say that to me after a match I played solo vs him : " My god your teammates were so bad and you still won vs me, this is a mess". Most people don’t realize it until they play as Predator.

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Isn’t asymmetrical synonymous with unbalanced? I mean, they should start categorizing certain games as UNBALANCED so people know what to expect.


An asymmetrical thing lacks symmetry, but in the question of whether or not it’s balanced would have to come down to the advantages/disadvantages given to one side or the other.

The pred having one shot kill weapons seems pretty unfair to me, but then again it’s all subjectivity at this point.


Balance isn’t just about weighing the same or looking the same on both sides. Once you alter both sides to be completely different you don’t have balance anymore.

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The predator only has 1 maybe 2 one shot weapons.

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How many does ft have?

None, but they can melt the predator in less than a second. If all fireteam are shooting the predator.

Its not one shot kill. It can be a one shot down but then that’s not happening depending on what classes the fireteam is using. Even if you get someone down it takes a few more shots to secure the kill, and on that time 3 fireteam can shot a pred into second wind, I mean if their aim is actually good, or having field medic already prevents the one shot from making the Predator get a kill since he can’t kill the ft in time.

You just should give it a try in using the one shot predator weapons vs a premade, see how op they can be.

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You see how you try to justify unfairness with unfairness?