Hotfix 3.40 or greater

I understand that big balance changes around clearly overtuned fireteam weapons(eg. Sawz50), passives(eg. Support Dmg Reduction aura), and specializations(eg. Field Medic) probably isn’t going to ever happen, but…

…it’s disgraceful that visual bugs, rare yet game breaking glitches, vertical leaps after deploying gear, exploitable animation canceling, exploitable/irritating loadout resetting, bots teleporting underground, etc., are not being addressed on at least a monthly basis.



Yes it is disgraceful


We’re aware of many of the issues you brought up, but if you have any additional information that can help us reproduce the issue, please make a post in bug reports with as much information as possible.

Other than that, we’re dedicating as much time as we can to remedying these problems and prioritizing them above any reworks/additional content when we are able to. Debugging is unfortunately never a straight line, especially with a game as large as PHG. Also please keep in mind that different people have different responsibilities when it comes to the game, so new content does not necessarily mean a significant amount of time is being taken away from QA.


I’m looking for a job, maybe you guys get me on the project and dedicate me to debugging? I understand that’s not up to you nor your coworkers but instead the project leads. If you guys are looking for an employee, I’m looking to work for y’all. Under one condition. Do not take me off of this game. I’ll ride it out to the very end.

Are you guys looking for a programmer?


Here is a video of someone showcasing how they do it:


I love they’re actively showcasing themselves cheating and laughing about it, like they know they’re going to get away with it. Shame…


If they can’t manage reports within their game, I am highly doubtful they are able to, at the very least reduce the amount of times these items occur or buffing up overall performance on all platforms.

We are forever going to be golden carroted with the usual:

  • minimal to no communication (Kass is at least trying from the looks of it)
  • be told they will never be able to speculate about future content (as if this is a point to make people curious)
  • be told things will get addressed “when possible or when they have time”.

2 brand new games to service, manage, police, HIGHLY doubt there is much being put into this IP anymore.

They have released decent updates and horrific updates, both recieved the same reception. So they probably believe anything substantial can just be dropped as they please because it’s just gonna get dumped on.

Too bad it doesn’t seem like illfonic wants to prove anybody wrong.

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They are cus the devs don’t care and can’t fix the bugs on this game.

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this is a lie do not believe anything they say they will not listen to you they are and have moved on

there good will was used up long ago at this point it’s incompetence and indifference


I’m glad you were a part of the community.

I’m finally with you. It’s unfortunate, but it’s crystal clear what the final product is here. 😔


We post all available roles at

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I get that it was a Exploit/glitch, but, if I saw that many grenade markers, I would have spammed that leap button immediately.

That was such a violent death. Poor predator was probably a very confused noob.

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Oh poor pred players boo hooing because the ft now actually has some useful exploits. I remember y’all hypocrite pred mains saying that it was ok to use exploits because it’s not your fault because the game allows it so it’s not cheating.

I swear bunch of hypocrites when the tables are turned.

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I mean balance is still majorly in the FT’s favor


Are you kidding?
Preds so op that unlimited insta gear Is the only way they might stand a chance!

Ft mains are bitches, it’s sad honestly.

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FT always had useful exploits.

Pred exploits still dont help that much, you and others can just play as Predator and use them vs me on a premade. It wont be enough to help you win.

FT exploits have always given a bigger advantage than Preds. Like Assault Sniper with 15 perk points, its Op. Hunter Analytic with 15 perk points, its not Op. Was never enough close the gap in the balance. Use it like the others vs me and you will see.

And now FT can have 300 gear ammo, there is nothing equivalent for the Pred.

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Its laughable the people that are already playing the game on easy mode need assist to make It even easier.

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Its just proof that illfonic is a bad company all together.
The amount of issues is fucking insane.


And their refusal and incapacity to fix things despite players proving them with enough information and video evidence shows it.