Hotfix 3.40 or greater

One shooting someone doesn’t mean shit if the 3 other ft take all your hp before you can get the kill.


Why does it have to be vs a premade? Oh, because as I stated before you guys win 99% of pubs but not against premades. Maybe you should stop playing privates with your friends.

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Cus testing on braindead potatos is not how one should evaluate if something is fair or not. Players that are bad deserve to lose vs those that play better. That’s fair. One shooting a ft is fair considering the dmg they can do.

Depends on the premade, ping, day/night map, what they are using.

Why ? Cus its hard ? That’s an excuse to quit something ?

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The game has a lot of balance issues, but I think that it would help if fireteam couldn’t melt predator in 1second and predator didn’t have any 1 down weapons.


Do you ever listen to yourself?

You speak the truth.


I get that a lot, lol.

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Pay is great, benefits are awesome, and the team is full of wonderful, kind people. Not to mention, I’m a big fan of all of our games. :)

You’re held at gunpoint being forced to say that arent you?


I’ve gone through epic and sony (dont know about steam).

Epic ONLY fields reports regarding Fortnite due to how big the game is. It’s up to the producing company to actively do anything regarding these reports in game. (Police and monitor) In this case illfonic.

Sony, is only ps to ps.

So if a ps player encounters an epic player, (again not sure about steam), the reports have literally no affect.

Both epic and ps representatives said its up to illfonic to field reports and to handle their game accordingly.


“We don’t have the power to ban them off individual platforms”


We can report all day and it literally wont make a difference…

Let alone gameplay, people can do or say anything their heart desires in this game with no consequences. (Pretty unsafe if you ask me)