How long will it last

but does the publisher get to decide “IT GOES LIVE ON X OR ELSE” ?

Idk dont care at this point i just want fps fix and game breaking bugs… im fine with regular texture bugs n shit… but i cant… content like game mode or new classes is not needed… it needs new maps from all the new content and a new mode…

And yes im just making a theory it looks like avp game mode leak due to open chest and actual ribs look like smth came out of them and humans took over and analyzed it

Ofcourse they do lmao… but they were probably given either a dead line before they just decide to drop the project… or they in generally rushed the dead line due to corona… hell they probably got even forced to release it soon just cause sony wants profit… like so many shit to analyze and make topics about… but yeah i cbs

if it’s so, then sony deserves all our wonderful comments :)

Dont take it for granted, but i would also sue sony if they actually triggered me over the top and the same heart breaking shit happens with game… i had 4k hours in evolve and the day the devs just decided to pull the plug i was like 13 back then or 12… i legit started fucking crying cause i grew up on the game…

And if this shit brings me back to past experience im done… literally people ruining actual best ideas for a game due to greed…

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Honestly curious. Why do you come on the forums to complain, bitch, and say things like: " I for one will never play this game again until new maps are released along with fixing inverted setting and multiple other bugs." I’m trying to wrap my head around what your goal or thought process is.

If you say you aren’t playing than you have no ground to stand on when you talk about bugs/glitches/balance issues. BUT if you do play then you just sound like a dumbass whining on the forums for a game you CLAIM to dislike.

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I’m pretty sure the “leaker” was hired by illfonic to boost people hype XD !! At this point it’s a joke.

I mean I wasn’t even expecting a map, but at least a decent list of bug fixes…


I usually never stand in people sides but in this case i will cause he is in most cases speaking facts…

I for once am pretty neutral person and i dont really like getting in arguments but i support his in this case and current situation with game and community and all…

For once i played this game since it came out and also was expecting it since 2017 announcement or 2018…

Up until last week or so when i stopped due to actual disconnects just keeping happening and kick spamming me… and the games that i win feel anxious from now kicking, being rushed by a sniper dude and knifes, glitching out and falling under a map… in general the game is just abomination at this point… I was actually forced to play zerk with my actual hunter build… due to people just trying to take me down if i try to play stealthy… and the pigs for once dont spawn in and i end up wasting all my med kits… which i dont complain about med kits… But i do however compain about the games destiation and that destiation is called Death… yep heard me right…


The way most people respond, I wouldn’t say anything either

I’m having a good time. Glad Illfonic got the project, add this to the list of good predator games.

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Nobody can use the corona excuse not even illfonic. They have offices in multiple states that are working at full capacity right now as I write this.

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I have the game dumbass. I’m showing my opinion on it and actually saying what others are thinking. If it offends you to bad lol
I hate this game with a passion which is why I haven’t played in weeks.

Also this is the only predator game on the market which is the only reason I bought it. I even bought the Arnold DLC pack 1 right after I bought the game which I had bought solely for the name PREDATOR. If I’d of know it was going to be a shit show and that I’d rarely get to use predator then I wouldn’t have hesitated not one bit in saving my money.
I feel as if I’m playing a ps2-ps3 game.

I would have bought myself game called SQUAD lol… if i knew the game wouldnt be optimized at all… the optimization is getting worse… apperently they fixed most PS4 players… still some have drops to 24 fps… yeah… anyways… that my hot take im probs returning after they FIX PC GPU USAGE… and neutralize most bugs to the point they either dont exist or they still are there but under control

because if ppl like you will continue saying that everything is good and that there are no problems in this game - devs will continue feeding us with such shit. So such guys like BadRed must say some opposite opinion about game. That’s normal practice. I paid for it and I have the right to express my opinion

In facts, why should he play the game without good content? I payed 30 dollars for it(or 40 don’t remember) and I, as a customer, hoping for a good product. But what I received after 3 month? 10 lines patch and useless ugly skin. GJ
And that’s really strange for me why do people continue playing this game. Are they really like eatting poop?


Well put

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It was $5. It’s worth it, end of story.

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Its like reading post made by children. @BadRed7 The game is never going to be what you want it to be. It never was going to be, it wasn’t advertised to be. If you hate the game with a passion, twenty more maps aren’t going to fix that. New game modes aren’t going to fix that. Anything that doesn’t fundamentally and completely change the game isn’t gong to make you enjoy it. If maps are what brings you back, you are a shallow individual, whose whining should be treated as so. If you are complaining about the wait times for playing predator, everyone is because everyone wants to play predator. There is nothing they can do to the game because the predator is the main draw. Unless you start punishing recurring pred players, or giving bonuses to people who play FT first then pred, the wait times will never be quick. You admit you bought the game because its predator, but apparently without looking into it, and then you go complaining that you got a game you don’t like. Take your bigoted remarks elsewhere.

And people seem to have fond memories of older games graphics, and they weren’t that great. However, if you are judging a game on its graphics, you are a waste.

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I play both sides Ahole. I play ft main but it’s nice to be able to play predator when I want to and not when the game feels like finding me a match. The reason people are playing pred side over and over is due to the serious lack of content within this game. 3 maps? Are you fucking joking? No wonder people play as pred more than ft. At least it’s a different experience. Lol. Who the fuck are you @FossilHunter13 to tell me my points and remarks aren’t valid and I’m shallow for wanting more content? Fuck you lol. This game went from mediocre to shit in 3 weeks due to BUGS and LACK OF CONTENT. 😂😂 you make me laugh with your simple mind. The game is shit now because of those reasons. Fix the bugs along with more gameplay options before releasing stupid ass dlc skins. I’m tired of playing literally the same match over and over and over… You have so much blind faith going down your throat that it’s running out of your ears lol

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I never said you didn’t play both sides. But once again, there is nothing they can do to fix the pred wait times because everyone wants to play it. And the reason people are playing pred over and over is because its a predator game. Playing pred is different, and FT is a mostly standard fps, just like it was marketed. Its the game that you saw and bought and then complained that it is. I’m calling you shallow, and your points and remarks are coming from that shallow place, which means they have no depth, which means that your words are a waste to listen to. The game can’t go from mediocre to shit because nothing changes. Things need to change for the game to change. Just because its not shiny enough like car keys jingling in front of you doesn’t change anything. Nothing that changed made it worse, it only made it better. Just because its not having new content thrown at you every hour doesn’t mean that its getting worse, it means that you are an impatient child throwing a temper tantrum. Bugs are getting fixed. New free content is coming out. But they have a schedule to keep. They said they’re releasing a new dlc every month, and if they don’t do that, you’ll just use that as an excuse to complain about. And as I said before, the gameplay isn’t going to change. 100 new maps and 100 new missions, the core gameplay is going to stay the same, and if the shiny new coat of a new map is enough for you, you are just an easily distracted toddler, and nothing you have said has proven otherwise. If you are bored of the same match, the match will just be the same on a new map. That’s a you problem, not the game’s problem. That’s what the game is when you bought it, too bad you didn’t look into it, and blindly bought the game, and are now complaining that you bought what it is and not what you want. I’m waiting for the new maps to come out at a reasonable pace, I’m waiting for them to fix the issues for the game, but I’m waiting for it, because they are doing it, but things take time.

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