How to fix the game

Nerf every FT weapon like you did to pred. One person should not be able to kill pred in two seconds unless there the last man standing. It’s called a challenge not a hand out and that’s what it fills like a hand out. Second make the game class divers no doubling up on classes like in evolve. Other than that content content content


That would be the easiest way, nerfing the ft damage.

However whether they do that or not.
Pred needs more ways to fight, effectively.

Pred should have way more options in a match.
And this should just be the standard.
That’s the advantage pred needs.
To have more options than ft.

And I dont mean just more weapons, but more equipment types.

Pred needs more gear in a match as well.
Things that are good too.
Right now nothing really good enough.


Nah. If you’re good as a predator you win like 80-90% of your games when you hit that que. You want 100%? If anything they should nerf him or find ways of putting competent predators with competent teams but that would mean good predators are going to sit hours in que.

A good predator can’t be beat in this game unless you’re in a 4 man pc premade of good players. If you lose to anything but that or even 3 players, its about you skill. Replace PC with PS if the pred is on PS.

The problem with that is what if you come up agents a team you can’t get close to who keep melting your heath and have there objectives dun in the first five minutes how is predator supposed to fight that. You can’t because 90% of your weapons are melee bast. pc, bow, SD, hand held pc and combi stick and two of those count as melee this is what we got for range and all of it falls short compared to FT weapons witch most of there weapons you can pu up to a 4× scope

O and FT should not even be close to predators mobility or stamina

I’ve played countless predators. There is a MASSIVE difference between a good predator and even a competent one. Considering you’re not bound to a team you can improve and play better. Now FT has randomness in that team so having potatoes in your team is part of the balance, predators don’t have that.
Now if they would balance around premades, anybody in a random team could NEVER win. If you can barely win as a 4 man premade with coordination, voice chat, picking talents that are the best and those talents compensate for what your team mates have(gear just as well) classes, 2 field medics and so on… Once you’re in a random environment when all of that does not come into play, its impossible to win.

What I would suggest is watch videos of the best predators and try to replicate, like this guy:

Get better and again, you’re not going to win everything, but you should win 80% + of your games.

I am really, REALLY bad as a predator but I still won like 4 out of 6 games as predator after months of not playing as the predator because there are so many bad FT players that end up on a team. So many teams you can just floor 2 or so people on that team with nothing but the elder sword, sometimes even the entire team…

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Predators need specializations as well as fireteam, but predator specializations should be something active instead of something passive like fireteam. Predator should get to have a specialization where they can activate it and have some perk available, temporary reduced damage from ranged weapons while meleeing, for example.

In general the game makes predators more specialized and skill-based in their weapons, and that should be embraced, but Pred needs specializations just like FT has, so those specializations should be an active ability for the Pred to hit and give them a more powerful but shorter period buff than FT has which they then need to let recharge.

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Oh God no! No more melee rushing predators that die or kill the entire team in the first minute of the game.

That’s basically not happened in like 7 months.

And I don’t wait it back but predators who all they do is melee are constant in this game. If I play like 5 games in a day, its impossible that I don’t find at least one that does it.

As for perks just fine something that takes a bit of skill (i don’t like the FT ones just as well). At least something like jumping from branch to branch removes spot and provides immunity to it for like 2 seconds or something.

At this point in the game, most of the Predator’s weapons are melee and there is not one viable melee weapon for pred. Any pred maining a melee weapon is asking to get melted.

FT perks make sense as passive bonuses because that’s generally how FT is set up instead of pred, where pred abilities are more based on skill and timing.

The trouble comes in that the theoretical pred perks should encourage the pred to do hit-and-run tactics, and even when they’re set up to encourage that, a lot of preds are gonna still for some reason go all-in. I don’t know how to fix that problem except possibly a bright flashing sign for preds during loading screen to remind them that they are hit-and-run fighters until they get down to 1 or 2 FT members left alive.

Unless you’re face with a competent team melee is broken. And I don’t mean 1 competent player on that team, I mean multiple ones. I can’t possibly defend all 3 of my randoms at the same time, more so with NPCs spawning. There is nothing, NOTHING in this game that kills more them melee for predators. Close second is probably the plasma caster. When you’re faced with team of 3-4 preamdes of good players is when the melee systems starts to buckle but in randoms? With most teams? Its OP! Most PS players can’t hit a barn door, a fast moving target like the pred going at them with the elder sword? Haha, no!

I don’t see how you can fix the issues at this point and with the devs we have. Its impossible for them with the skill set they have to balance around full premades and randoms and different skill groups. They would need matchmaking that places people based on skill but at this point there is not enough players for it. Also certain preds should not face anything but full PC premades (like Shifo) since they have no real challenge if not for it.

sounds like controller players just need some aim assist like every other FPS and that problem is solved

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The pred is outclassed.

Ft have more gear to actively pursue the pred more than the pred can pursue the Ft or attempt to stalk.

Predator needs more gear, weapons and ways to approach Ft. Like @Fire said.

Most interactions with well-made Ft will end up in them sticking together like glue and being able to take you out or the chopper.

Pred needs to be able to split them up and the current gear and weaponry the pred has is laughable to organized Ft.

Dmg reduction would be okay, but the longing for pred to have more needs to be addressed.


Not every FT weapon is OP.

I have to disagree. Forcing class diversity doesn’t solve anything since classes are meaningless outside of personal performance (at least in dynamic gameplay) not to mention que time issues.

Nerfing op classes and making classes more dynamic will help with diversity.

No they just need to git gud. I’ve been in the siege community we have good aim when we want to.

You’re right but that’s only cause 80-90% of ft members are ass. So this stance is anecdotal. Good ft players win 90-95% of there matches as well. It’s very much just, how good are you at the game. Because most players, on both sides, are bad. I don’t think a huge damage nerf is in order, but definitely more equipment to disrupt and disorient the FT is needed for a good predator to kill a good FT. At the moment a really good ft beats a really good predator almost every time. It not quite 50/50 like it should be

I see an issue with that - in order for this to happen you need to be standing like a bloke of concert in front of the FT that is melting you. Only potatoes do things like that - we cannot have balance made around potatoes, this would turn this game in to a shit show.

Not joking – even when I play against PC death squads this sort of thing dose not happen to me, not even with the full team firing at me – you really need to stay mobile and change position after each attack.(don’t get me wrong, they will still slaughter me no problem, but not solo in 2 seconds)

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Been playing as pred lately. I am not good at it. I am a FT main. I still win 7 out of 10 matches. I do not believe the game is unbalanced. Is supposed to be hard. Against 1 single good FT player is going to be hard to win. That’s the way it should be, IMO. Against a good Pre-Made, Pred shouldn’t win unless they are exceptionally good.

Now on the FT damage output, I don’t think it needs to be nerfed at close range (melee spammers deserve to be punished) but at long range definitely damage needs to be reduced, specially for sniper rifles.