I’m hoping to compile a list of features found in other main stream video games that PHG should have to make it play like a AAA title.
I’ll start with a few features that hurt the “new player” experience due to a lack of transparency. Please feel free to offer your own ideas below’, but avoid balance recommendations and stick to “features” or mechanics that PHG could benefit from.
- Actual specific numbers on perks
for example, “increased damage” would be “10% increased damage” or “reduced sprint damage” would be “80% damage taken while sprinting”
Players shouldn’t need to guess to what degree the gameplay is being modified
- In game indicators for mud/thermal level, cool( target isolation blocked and low thermal visibility), warm(low thermal visibility only), and hot, located in the bottom left corner
- freshly mudded, cool
- mudded after 45 seconds, warm
- not mudded, hot
In game indicators of perks, passives, and specializations currently being applied. (I’ll make visual examples later)
When a player chooses a fireteam class, they should immediately be prompted to pick a specialization. There is no reason so many new players should be entering the queue without an active specialization. Really, Illfonic, this is on you.
What do you all think about how the game currently presents itself to the player? Potato predators and fireteams are a big issue, but I think a lot of this could be improved by better presentation, allowing new and casual players to quickly understand which mechanics are at play in every situation.