How to prevent detection. Give feedback.

Also include if they engaged in enemy fire and killed AI. It could tell you that they are in the vacinity of a camp or just knocked off a few along the way.

Because thats a mechanic. Game is only broken if you choose to fuck around and rush into it like most 5 year olds do and i played a plenty of infant children to no reward other than my own cruelty.

Mechanic card is used too often try something else. Sure if ft is bad they spot nobody. But i have met fireteams that u just can’t be hiding from if u wanna attack and thats just stupid

Just answer the question, honey.

How do you detect the predator in most cases?
Be precise, so not “sound” but what sounds exactly.

Can a predator avoid detection by yourself at all?

Everyone already told you by sound, but since you insist…it’s hacks, simply hacks.


See? He knows 👆🏽

Here, check the thread out below. The guy who wrote it is obviously an experienced expert on the game as he created a thread all about what you should and shouldn’t do as a Pred player. Maybe it’ll teach you what you need to know:

Why waste time even engaging in a serious convo with this dude? He already has it in his head that top pc players are all cheaters and hackers. I came to the conclusion that he is a newbie who got wrecked so many times by pc players that he has developed hatred for them.

Maybe I should post videos of me missing shots and dying in 1v1 melee fights against a few members of the forum community, but considering how retarded he sounds, he’ll probably come up with some fairy tale reason for me dying lol like maybe it was staged or something along those lines…😆

Unfortunately pred running sounds is too loud for sneaking to ft. I am trying to use only leaps to make less sounds.
After every plasma shoot you need to change your position, good option is to jump from tree on land , several steps and jump back to other tree or building.
Break line of sight if you are spotted or they just know where you are

  • Activate the alarms.
  • If possible, approach the FT while there’s shooting between them and AI so it’s harder for them to hear your clicking sounds and/or steps.
  • Always keep in constant movement around the camp.
  • Don’t kill and eat pigs right away, stack them for later.
  • Don’t spam the plasma caster, arrows, pistol from the same spot.
  • If running/leaping away, don’t do it in a straight line.
  • On the roofs, crouch as much as possible.
  • Don’t run towards the FT to melee, try to leap and land as closer to them as possible.
  • When approaching the FT from height, try to do it with the sun light on your back.

Infact, try to execute anyone of these once or twice (AND not in any order-ie, Plasma Caster shot, then bow, then wristblade strike each time you land close because then they won’t expect what you’re comfortable with or using exclusively ) and leap away in another direction. Do this consecutively until you defeat an isolated FT member.

Goodluck nor being tracked by ft playing as predator.

But a small piece of advise that ppl tend to forgot…

Before first contact is made I would stay uncloaked until spotted since the pred clicks give away position while cloaked… so as predator you have a slight sneaky advantage while ft is making thier way to the obj in the very beginning… once spotted tho figure shit out own your own from there haha

I neither prefer the console version of PHG nor I am new.

By sound is a simple man’s answer. The question was which sounds/visual are the most critical. Could you do something even close to the fantastic website

For example, switching cloak or thermal view on/off can be easily detected well over 50 m by their sounds while leaping or jumping is rather quiet. Walking depends on the surface. Regarding noise, its safer to jump/leap than walk or even run.

I am interested in getting other players’ detailed feedback regarding detection.

So, what noise or visual gives you personally the edge in detecting and tracking down the predator in most cases?

And, by the way, last year, I had the pleasure getting your great fireteam in quick play. I still remember that fireteam not because of you but because of your friend - some kind of Marcela_RU or whatever. He was talking all the time and sadly got downed first. He was really unfair because I had to laugh the whole match. I hope you don’t have the same problems in real life as he does.

Arrow_Calis is/was an exceptional fireteam player. He literally invented grenade throwing. Even if playing with other skilled players he beat their damage by a factor of 2 or more. The only way to take him down was exploiting his ego and the feared net gun.

Thank you very much!

I have not considered sun light as predator yet only as fireteam.

Are you able to avoid detection and getting tracked down against a highly skilled premade fireteam (probably Epic)?

So, can you attack them safely?


I prefer fully charged plasma shots from “hull-down” position instead of spamming plasma shots against skilled fireteams, maybe, a few shots after the fully charged until counter-fired upon. In this case, it makes no difference if you are cloaked.
Somehow, it feels like real-world classic static tank combat , i.e. before nowadays dynamic maneuver warfare.

Breaking line of sight. Do you have military experience or is it from games?


Switching weapons is always useful. However, they have to be appropriate for the tactical situation at hand. For instance, hitting moving targets is more difficult with the bow than with the plasma caster (or hand held plasma caster) while the bow shines against stationary ones (i.e. when they try to revive a downed fireteam member).

From my experience, getting into melee combat against full 4-men skilled fireteams is more or less suicide. Even exposing yourself for a few seconds is critical since the fireteam’s combined damage vastly exceeds the predator’s.

Thanks. Against skilled fireteams, I think it’s difficult to avoid detections. That’s why I created this thread.

I think cloaking is literally useless against such a fireteam. It’s just wasting energy and they detect you even as scout-disciplined.

It’s impossible. A highly skilled premade will always know even where you spawn. And probably will have at least a Recon/sniper with spotter perk. And on PC they’ll probably have good 7.1 headphones that even a blind guy could shoot at the Predator.
I’m on PS4 with a normal headset (Corsair HS70) and i’m not top tier and i can hear/spot a Predator very easily.

Good gamer air usually helps

With gamer socks

Don’t forget the sticky notes crosshair

That reminds me, I need to buy rice paper.

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