Some hints for predator young bloods

The game is quite complex - actually, much more than many other games nowadays. There are lots of hidden undocumented mechanics.

It may require some time till you eliminate your first fireteam, predator young blood.

You must use cunning and intelligently engage the fireteam. Head-on duels don’t work. Just like in the original movie from 1987.

Actually, there is a rough difficulty indicator. The more Epic players are in fireteam, the more difficult. Only premade fireteams especially consisting of Epic players deal extreme damage e.g. with “automatic” pistols and pose a significant challenge even for highly-skilled predators.

Some general hints for predator young bloods:

  1. Focus on a single weapon at first.
  2. Start playing a superior class first like elder-stalker with down range and plasma caster. Its ranged damage is extreme and can down many fireteam classes with a single hit.
  3. If you have difficulty in finding the fireteam play as hunter-tracker.
  4. Don’t claim. Use downed fireteam member as bait or eliminate them with ranged weapon.
  5. Don’t stay cloaked and don’t switch between thermal and normal view too often. Good fireteam member will detect and attack you. Cloaking makes noise and is only perfect if staying stationary. Switching between thermal and normal view creates flash which is visible from a long distance.
  6. Avoid close combat against full fireteams. Close combat is only halfway safe against single fireteam members. Superior melee weapons: alpha sickle, elder sword, combistick and net gun.
  7. Hitting enemies is easy with the hand held plasma caster but it has got only low damage. So, don’t put too much training time into it.
  8. Do not enter buildings with fireteams inside. Just shoot inside with fully charged plasma caster shots.
  9. Just like all weapons only use them if the tactical situation is appropriate. For example, it’s difficult to hit moving targets with the Yautja bow but it is easy to hit a fireteam member’s head who is trying to revive his comrade.
  10. Avoid duels.
  11. Don’t eat boars too close to the fireteam.
  12. Just leave if all fireteam members are Epic.
    13. Do something else like watching a movie or reading while waiting for a match!

Add further hints, please.


Don’t bother wasting time posting gameplay guides on a forum which is overwhelmingly made up of people who have been level 150 since last year.

Also avoid using the term ‘young bloods’ for new players - it’s cringe inducing.


You crusty geezer

Let him have his role play fun


It is not a guide but some hints. Just add some.

And level 150 means nothing. I have got some friends who have just started playing as predators after several months.

I like duels

Duels are more fun but less safe against skilled fireteams.

My first wipe was my first match lol, easier to know how to play Pred when you play Fireteam first.


Buff FT nerf pred


To be fair, level is a arbitrary rank.

There’s absolutely no matchmaking based on Level, so a Level 1 FT can wind up fighting a Level 150 Pred and vise versa for this case.

The game is barebones as fuck so any kind of advice means the world to newbies. I’ve legit had to tell preds to not use VC in-game because they complained that I would always find them.