There is a difference in what you mean exactly but it’s still the same thing, an insult to the other person
Not that this should even matter because people need to grow a spine
There is a difference in what you mean exactly but it’s still the same thing, an insult to the other person
Not that this should even matter because people need to grow a spine
Nah cause il go hard on something I feel is stupI’d if the person is generally cool, I wont try to insult them.
Unless I’m just fkn around talking shit, in which case I’m just joking.
Usually am.
You fkn shitty bat.
Dracula sucks, so does pred in this game.
Seige has humans, so does this.
Therefore, fak yu.
Ans because pred can jump high hes basically Luigi from super Mario bros 2.
Fight meh
Why would I stop? That would be so… boring.
You have quite literally missed the point of it. And I even spelled it out for you. 😂
I dont even know how how I feel about this.
You feel nothing.
You’re going to burn in the seventh circle of hell for that.
Ya well you’re going deeper for wanking to it.
To people who were the right age when it came out, pred is absolutely an icon. 80s schlock? These things were great at the time.
Ask a younger person about famous vampires and you’ll get a name from twighlight. I spoke to a few people recently who didn’t even know who Christopher Lee was, nevermind that he played dracula.
Kill them, kill them now. Do it.
They were terminated with much haste.
Infiltration units were dispatched back to before they even committed the offence to prevent their crimes.
This is good. Very good.
Its literally only known as another career boost for arnie
no one even remembers pred 2 except the diehards on this pred forum
How about make suggestions or discuss about the dlc that people think is being added, the Cleopatra Predator instead of trying to reskin the Jungle Hunter for the 50th time.
No, no, he has a point.
What fucking plebs. 😂
He’s one of the most famous portrayals of that old geezer.