I don't think they are giving us full patch notes

I’ve been playing as the predator for some time I’m not the greatest but I’m decent. I know what weapons do what damage. They didn’t say anything about lowering preds health or upping ft weapons alot. But I got it down to last ft member I even ate pig to be full health he spotted me and in the time it took to aim and throw my combi he took a quarter of my health. That’s bullshit


What weapon was he using?

Now imagine if the other 3 were alive and used the same gun. You’d be dead in seconds.

Which is crap


Yeah I agree. It sucks

It looks like they don’t really know what they want to get in the end. Just “balancing” like WoW - up and down, up and down. Just played some games - it’s bullshit again. Was fired to second wind in seconds. Net gun now is useless - these rabbits run in net faster than my Predator. Just can’t attack them effectively with my claws - they just run away from me lol.

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Hah yeah I know what you mean. At this point I’m just waiting for an offline mode. At least that way you won’t have to worry too much about balance issues.

Well the predator is supposed to be a vastly superior being but in here it’s really not


It happened yesterday to me.

There was a guy that he alone would melt my life bar every time he saw me from far away.
It’s amazing how powerful ft can be alone when they pick the right weapon.
And I was using hunter with impenatrable. But nothing stands against FT weapons.
Thats why I will never pick up the scout.

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“Balance” is always a trap. Whatever you do with it there will always be people who like the game in its current state and who don’t. I just hate the idea and modern tendencies when you like a game, buy a game and… can’t play it. Because “our dear developers” decided to make some changes “for balancing issues”. Damn it, why can’t I get a refund in this case?..


The problem is that fire is too arcadish in this game. Like in hollywood movies. Sniper can make a good shot just after (s)he run some hundred metres with the Usain Bolt’s speed. People can shoot while moving with the same godlike accuracy. No friendly fire, of course! People can parry with their short knives. People can run with full speed while netting or being heavily injured. An arrow in the head can’t down a FT member lol So… too much “game” and too little “sense” and immersion.


totally agree dude!
and the worst is the lack of fall damage.
to many times I see FT members jumping of a tower or very high building or house and they dont lose momentum, dont lose health
No physcis, no attempt to make it real.

Its all arcade like you said!

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I just wiped a team within two minutes dude. But I’m a pro predator a rarely lose unless I don’t try. My advice is get good.

they are not. i keep track of my bug reports and make posts when theyve been updated and ive already done 2 that are not in the patch notes.

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We just want authenticity. This game isn’t realistic at all anymore


I rarely lose too.
1 out of 10 in average.
Stop judging people when you dont know them.
We say here we had a hard time with a ft squad in one match and people assume the other 30 we had in that day were the same without even knowing the people on the other side.
I’m sick of you players who say they are badass preds and keep telling others to get good!


Generally I think it’s because that’s the only place they can feel that way. The stereotype had to come from somewhere about gamers

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That’s the mistake people make. If u want to roll play that’s cool but don’t get mad when you lose. Use all tools available to you, this is the video game not the movie.