I expect this to be taken down

And I really don’t care. This thread is dedicated to DisturbedLlama.

Huh? :\

Just trolling a troll

Lmfao god its funny how people waste so much energy and time on people they dont like xD.


what the fuck did i just experience… ?!?.. humans are u still there… no? okay…

Humans? What are yu a furry?


Nah im unidentified lol

I don’t see the point of making a new post just to shit on someone else, I get it people are toxic just don’t let them get under your skin it’s not worth it, also I’m not picking sides either.

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There are sides?.. sounded like flirting.


Everything can be flirt if it’s done right lol, like seductively eating a jar mayonnaise, or mircle whip if that’s your thing.


Lol you’re becoming a good source of entertainment xD

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I just pick the most random thing I could think of.

I thought you were referencing that one game were you flirt with a mayonnaise jar xD

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No but I do remember watching Markiplier play that.

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Yep same here lol.

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What is this the new Drakos vs. DeadeyeBuddha



What’s going on here? I’m confused.

Just people who don’t like eachother not liking eachother.

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