I Have No words

LOL WTF could that be!? YOu must have been in the jungle too long.

YOu got upset at the walmart!

Maybe at some point they will start supporting you


The problem you and others dont seem to realize is you’re rewarding bad behavior.
Illfonic doesn’t listen at all, and doesn’t communicate on anything important.

If you’re not a blind fuck you can see that.
How the fuck do you expect shit to get better if ppl keep throwing money at them?

As for you I wouldnt get do fucking rowdy either.
Cause you’ve talked shit about illfonic and seen these problems before.
Now suddenly you wanna support them?

Lmao sadly your not the only one.
How the fuck you gonna try to roast And talk shit coming out looking like a hypocrite?

Lmao Its pathetic.

Get mad at me or upset if you want.
But I’m Only telling the truth here.


Fire starting a fire. You stay true to your essence. I respect that.

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No not really.
I’m literally stating the truth.
I’m tired of ppl bitching about how bad the game is, then going and giving thrn money for absolutely nothing.

If it was a new skin/class its whatever.
But fkn mask?
Like wtf.

Like everyone who bought it is literally donating to the I dont give a shit about this game foundation.

If ppl get upset or bothered by it, well that’s too fucking bad.
Dont be stupid.


1 - the dev explains very well the bundle and when the masks will be released so everyone will get them first or later don’t confuse an individual choice with a trap by illfonic… no one put a gun on your head to force you to take the bundle… point2
2 - everyone do what he want with his money this is a private decision and not a community matter.
3 - this point is the same of the jungle hunter and tom savini jason… those are goodies released in determined packages and are not able to be taked alone. who preordered the game has the skin, who has not preordered keep crying on how illfonic is evil cause that… this is ridiculous.
4 - how you think a life service is possible to take on for years without any type of dlc or pass or microtransaction? PHG is 1 years old… the bundle is for…point 1.

sorry but this topic is pointless


Its rewarding bad behavior.
If you dont understand or see that I dont know what to tell ya.


The devs are doing good job. Dude it’s the middle of a damn pandemic. Some days I can hardly get out of bed im so depressed. They have been working hard and keeping us entertained during these hard times. Moreover, they have made clear efforts to communicate with us all over the forums… which is very difficult given the immaturity of some here.

I’m not pointing the finger at you but im just tired of everyone acting like they are entitled to the best game ever created.

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man… i don’t play this game since months, i’m waithing for a single player mode that maybe never come… im not happy of what i see in the roadmap BUT , more predator characters and fireteam characters are not nothing… those masks was a community request… a new map…that was one of the things that the game needed for example… i think we will get all we want, in any case i don’t believe that complain for everything they do can make this game better… the more useful feature request more time to be made i presume.

the only thing the game need now is a fix of the queye time and a fireteam rebalance in my opinion… more content are welcom but those 2 things are a priority… and 3 masks are not what they do instead… are a surplus.

Neon you’re for the most part one of the more reasonable people on here.
So I dont really have a problem with you.

Nice new avatar btw.

But I’m not talking about anything huge.
Bugs and balance.
Those are the main issues I’m referring too.
Im not expecting brand new content out of nowhere.

Cause a 2v8 hunt wouldn’t be recreating the wheel.

Or 3v10/12.
There are a lot of ppl upset, and a lot of ppl who have left because of how bad illfonic has handled this game.

I’m not asking for the best game ever.
Neither are most of the other upset ppl.
Im asking for this game to be improved to what it can be.
Which everything required for it is already in the game.

As for new content, maps, weapons, abilities if they ever add any, I think most of us wont mind waiting. As long as it comes out with minimal issues.

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Read my response to Neon pred

well, i agree, but for me one thing don’t exlude others in my opinion… your motivations are good, but how many post you see in the forum with the bundle problem? we are talking about 2 separate things.

I’m still waiting on the twenty he owes me too.

He really needs to reavaluate his life :p

You owe me 20.
Reevaluate your existence.



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I dont see how were talking about different things.
It all kind of ties in together.

“🖕🏻🤪👍🏻” - illfonic

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When you buy the bundle despite owning all the DLC


You make a clown cry.

I’ll still talk shit on illfonic. It’s not them I want to support its THE GAME.
I repeat… this is the only predator game we have up to date… these devs still SUCK. but if throwing money to help this game stay alive for YOU to enjoy. Well your welcome for the support for the game not the devs.

Let get early access to your ssc. Let’s go