I Have No words

Are you even listening to yourself? How do you even know your money is going towards this game? Lol

I’m gonna start calling you Lt. Dan, cuz you have no legs.

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Lol go get your tin foil hat nerd

Btw that Mr. Black mask with jh87 skin is a sexy beast. You can be jealous

Whatever you you say. I guess you aren’t familiar with the dev team you are throwing money at lol

Tell me do you still get happy urges and big thoughts being dead from the waist down and neck up?

You still mad you don’t have jh87

Actions speak louder than words tho lol.
You know I’m right tho.
If it isnt improving the game its not really supporting it lol.

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I never asked for it and never been mad about not having it. I’ve always insisted it stay exclusive to preorders.

Keep acting like an over the hill pitcher in the 9th and throwing junk. Maybe you will say something intelligent…eventually.

Kinda like that monkey theory where if you give a monkey an eternity to type random letters, eventually it will write every written human literature to ever have been written or will be written.

That’s you .
tenor (20)

That’s funny bc. I’m assuming you along with me and just about everyone else asked for the Mr. Black mask which they delivered. Pred specializes, which was divered. Rework on the disc which was delivered… I can go on…

Listen @Fire I never had a problem with you, so let’s not make this a big deal…
Long story short is I do understand where your coming from I do agree illfonic are shady shits.
. But I’m very impatient when it comes to video games and I want certain shit sooner than later… I had 20 bucks to toss and I put it towards the ge. Hoping it will help it out in the long run… thats all

And @Lo_Leviathan your just a complete retarded who birches about jh87 skin being locked. Your not worth my breath. Clown ass

Find a post and screenshott where I’ve bitched about it being locked. I will pay you 20 bucks each month

And learn the difference between you’re and your, monkey.

So it ls your faults? , why didn’t you guys ask for the body aswell ?🤔 or was 20 bucks all you had spare

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Just about everythread you mad in the past let’s be real buddy

Idk ask everyone else the same question

Waiting for the screenshot bitch.

🙄 I already know the answer


Lmao ya I still dont see us having any problem with each other, its not like were coming at each other.

Well pal I camt find any so it mite have been a nother bumb woth a name similar… I as a man can fess up when.wrong so being that I went through ykur profile and.didnt see any thread about it unless they were deleted I guess ykur not the cry baby bitch I thought. Just a bitch haha nah but good for you.

I didn’t as for mr black as I dont care about him btw.
And I wanted good specializations or replacement abilities for slam.
No one asked for 3 disk btw.

So no.
They really didn’t deliver.

My point is you talked shit about those ppl upset. But they’re not in the wrong.

You’re a man?? Lmao
Well I guess we do live in an age when you can claim that even if it isn’t true, so whatever you say.
ArtforBlood when he couldn’t find evidence for his claims:tenor (20)

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Ur a hooker

@Lo_Leviathanand you’ll always be a bitch.

Clearly your not man enough to acknowledge an apology indicating your maturity level of being a bitch