I Have No words


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You had a choice.
Sandwich or mask.
You made your choice.
You slut.


Here you go.download (5)

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I’ll take the mask anyway sugar

Thanks cupcake always looking out for me a true forum friend

“Friend” isn’t the right word. Keep trying.tenor (20)

Mm just filled with hate aren’t you little guy 😏

Hate is such a strong word coming from such a “big man” like you.

It’s more so that I just never forget an asshole and never let an idiot live down their mistakes.

After all you brought the hostility first. So this is justified homicide imo.

You’ve been extremely angry for like a month now tho lol.

I feel like you’ve snapped compared to how we first met.

Oh yes. Definitely. After the shit I had to go through after the day with you and Onion I have 0 fucks left.

I bought hostility first… you jumped on my comment. I didn’t ask for your opinion. I recall.

And a mistake I owned up. So you can continue acting like a little bitch typing your words like that monkey you keep posting.

Jesus wtf happened lol.
We still need to play something some time btw

Hey that monkey is trying his hardest damn it!

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I responded to your comment. If you don’t like responses then don’t post in a public domain.

As I said before:

There is nothing apologetic here. Just a bitch caught in a lie. Very mature. Quit monkeyin’ around “man”.

Well it won’t be Predator I promise you that. I have jumped back on For Honor and getting into The Hunt Showdown but I suck ass at it

You gonna poop in the man’s cereal as well?

What do you care about someone else’s decisions?

It his own money to spend as he pleases.

I bought hunt but just wasnt a big fan of it.
Was kinda boring last time I played.
Like I feel the concept would have been a lot better executed if it was a full pve game.

For honor I never liked.

Well most everything else I play is solo rpg…
I was probably going to get back into Titanfall 2 as that was my number 1 game before Predator

Tbh I still remember you bitching about jh87 hard-core

Exactly how?
I never cared about jh87 tho?

No I’m serious tell me what you remember cause not once have I even wanted it lol.