I Have No words

People didn’t ask for a mask , they asked for the skin , but settled for the mask because that’s all they were given. But not even given it and somehow still think they are the winners its just sad at this point .


This isn’t an apology lol

This is just a backtracking bitch realizing they were caught in a lie. Big difference there Mr. “Man”.

It is the equivalent of asking for a sandwich and only getting the bread.


One slice! Not two for you

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You dont deserve a sandwich.

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Upset about what… and the rework on the disc is great you just won’t admit it… specializations for pred need more time to figure out so relax.

Listen im not saying illfonic is clear for landing. I just want this game to stay alive for years. And I can only HOPe the money goes towards that…

Imo out of all the shitty updates they gave us IMO this is one of the better ones

Add this to your monkey collection

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Go back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich femboy!

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I bet @ArtforBlood made a great sandwich before it became a “man”…monkey…thing…
tenor (20)

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Balance and bugs buddy.
Balance amd bugs ignored as usual.

People have been wanting shit to be balanced for ages now, that’s been the main thing.
The disk rework is ok, but a lazy solution.

Oh we cant make the controlling of it any better so we’ll give more tries!


Look, if they would have at least added the option for 2v8 or 3v12 at least for privates. Then sure.

But until they address and communicate on balance, bugs, and the mode that ppl have berm asking for since july last year, they really arent listening to what they should be listening too.

My problem with the ppl who bought the mask are, is that you’re sending them the message that it’s ok for then to keep them game in such a shitty state and not really listen.

That’s my problem with this.

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So creative. Howed you get the same meme 3 times in a row… your really good at this lol

You forgot a comma so it looks like your asking for a sandwich femboy.
So does that mean it’s a femboy who gives sandwiches or a femboy in a sandwich outfit?

Also didn’t realize you were into femboys xD


Well when one is dealing with a basic bitch like yourself, one has to keep it simple for them. Otherwise the monkey “man” will get confused.
download (4)


He isn’t, they are into him 🧐

Both are bad.
But nah he brought em up, he likes traps xD

Both. Now go put the outfit on for me and fetch me a sandwich, buttercup!

I’m not into guys.
I will not play out your sick fantasy.

I had no idea you were into me that much reaper.

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Does that sandwich come with a mask to eat with.

Deeper than his clown pockets he would go