I need tips on playing as predator.

This is game is not new comer friendly and its why the game has hard to gathering in new players, cause most people dont have the patience or time for the issues this game has, the tutorial for pred gives you the basics but not enough imo, and the tips on loading screen are more helpful than tutorial, the tutorial is mostly to learn controls. But a level 1 pred vs ft its 50/50 chance youll be second winded 5 minutes into the match, unless you try to avoid damage which is possible but for nee comers can be really diffcult

My advice.

Play range, only claim if your 100% sure you can get in get out
If you down someone and you cant claim them, use whatever ranged weapon nesscary to kill them
Dont engage unless you can secure atleast one kill
Dont bother with vocal mimicry
Elder sword is one the best melee weapons so stick to it if you like it
Try to avoid energy overload
Use thermal away from ft, not near them the flash will give you away almost always
Don’t cloak until your near the ft
Use trees very little, they give you away the easiest
Reposition after each shot so you can try to make sure the ft never knows where you are going to be, which is hard anyways cause usually ft knowd where you are anyways
Watch your stamina

Other than that try to devolp play style that works and stick to it, good luck.


Hey buds, the last update made it so that there’s a handful of things that will absolutely make the game crash, if you don’t want your investment to make you hate everything predator I would seriously take the Clown’s advice. the game is great just be patient and let them fix it it shouldn’t take long for them to get a hot fix

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Thank you good Sir. Lol its I’m ok with being the dude with joker as his profile lol

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@Predators1234 He does have good point I’d honestly just look at his and then try and stalk people and wait for them to do interacts. And YouTube

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You on PC or PS4? I’d be happy to share some insights for you on both sides to help get you comfortable with the game.

PSN - Khihendron

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Ft is usually most vunarble when there dealing with alot of ai, and that is usually a good time to attack.

ALSO accept your going die in this game.


Very true. I love seeing them go down all at once because they focused to much on me then bam kill all AI then long claims… also shooting barrel’s as predator if they try running away from your long range. Its best to hit them a bit then when they are abput to die they will run by one since barrels are near the health and objectives. ive downed so many ft with them shits satisfying with the plasma pistol. Delayed explosions with arrows and wrist launcher


Lol “you people”, I’ve been playing this game since launch and have rode out all the bullshit. We’re still experiencing bugs that have been going on since launch. It’s been what 5-6 months of the same shit and every time the game breaking bugs get fixed they come right back the next patch. You can only have such a positive attitude about this for so long. if I never gave a damn about this game then I wouldn’t even be here at all.

This guy is new and @Killachriz96 was giving him realistic view of the game because it’s only a matter of time before he encounters the same bullshit too and is on here mentioning it and the moment he does I guarantee you someone will just tell him to git gud and adapt and ignore the issues. Also if you don’t think the balance of the game is heavily skewed in the FTs favor to the point that any new pred would get melted in seconds then I don’t know what to tell you.


Git gud!!!


It’s been a while how you been man.


There he is…and there goes the neighborhood


Man ive missed you… 😂😂

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Yes “you people” Read the rest of that sentence and see what I’m talking about. I’ve been here since the start and i don’t see all this bullshit you’re looking for to complain about. Bugs come with the update, and get patched out as they figure out what’s causing it. Its not like you can Ctrl+F and type in parry glitch to find it. And what happens if they hold off releasing content while they try and hunt down the bug? You’ll be back on here complaining that there is a lack of content. They promised Content this month, and they are following through on their promise.

Its a cynical point of view, not realistic, and if he asked about that, that be fine. But he didn’t. Its everywhere else on the forum if he wanted to see. He asked for tips. You know, helping out fellow players so they can get the most out of the game they bought? Help him adapt his style to the game, get him good. New preds get melted in seconds no matter the update. Its part of learning how to play pred. You start off thinking in terms of CoD, die, and learn and get better. I still don’t think the FT is more powerful than that first Pred nerf.

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No one would complain if they said they wanted to focuse on bug fixes.

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@Predators1234 , While my input would be basically be regurgitated retellings of what already been said, we are happy to have you on the Fourms and in the Game. Glad to hear you are having fun.


Hi been here since day 1, play fire team until you get an idea what The fire team will be doing. You’ll get to a point you can look around and tell what mission they are on.

Welcome to the forums. Right before a patch drops and generally for a few days after. Some our members get rather high strung. Just be patient read through threads that interest you and you’ll figure out who’s in their feelings during patch time.

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i’ve been doing guides for a while it’s been a bit since i’ve updated this due to time lacking but i’m gonna be playing alot today probably so just give this a read you’ll probably learn alot
i know some of the numbers are inaccurate now like the stick i know does like 110 when thrown and probably 128? with buffs i think and obv the sickle was buffed and samurai and alpha are melee predators now like the berzerker and uh the viking has the highest melee % dmg buff of all the classes


How can you be at level “300” and say this game “sucks”. How many hours have you played it? Why did you spend so many hours playing it? Because it was bad? Are you insane, why would you play a game that is not fun?

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Cuz it got worse from illfinics incompetence ya DOOF

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