I think they should release the 87 Predator skin already

A sticker on the box is pretty definitive, no?

I know it was one of the main reasons I pre-ordered it was to play as the 1st Predator.

I still play as that Predator in private matches against the ai from time to time. I am just waiting for bot mode so I can take on 87 Dutch when his skin releases.

I’ve provided all the proof. you and everyone else have provided nothing.

BTW who is the jerk who took my gamer tag on the PC version of this game. That was pretty damn low if you ask me… I had to use Vexx-0927 instead of my regular Vexx0927

Because it was a pre-order bonus, you know for pre-ordering.

Like I said though Slasher, how many people you see using this character in game? Not many. Maybe if he was like Uber Jason I could see the hype but 87’s stats are not even that good. He is just a hunter stat wise…

I reached out to a law firm to get answers. We’ll see what happens lol

First off you will have to pay them to even get a direct answer.

There are free legal help resources. If they feel they can make a buck they’ll jump on it. It does involve billion dollar companies after all. If action was taken it would be class action which involves multiple parties and wouldn’t cost me a dime.

What was that quote… oh yeah

“They’re all gonna laugh at you.” 😂

Illfonic even replied on Twitter that Alpha would be available at a later date to clarify. They never said the alpha skin was exclusive, just a limited run of the figures during the announcement.

I’m sure they found the cure for cancer as well as Bigfoot. Can you dig up that tweet for me?

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And that my friends, is how to properly squash an argument.

About the bonespear and Shuriken… 😅

Here we go again… Personally, I wouldn’t mind if they decided to sell it as DLC, but the problem they have is they advertised as a ‘Pre-order Exclusive’ - not a ‘Pre-order Early Access’, so if they did suddenly decided to offer it to everyone, they’d have a lot of angry pre-orderers asking for discounts or refunds due to false advertising. Anyway, you’ve given me another excuse to post this gif, so thanks…


This is from that article you posted. You are pretty dumb if you interpret limited release as exclusive.

Limited release literally means only a certain number of the first line will have the code in them. Neither of those article said anything about exclusivity especially exclusivity to ps4…

The entire point I am trying to make people is the player base is dieing, we need something to pull people in. If that means we give up our exclusive pre-order skin to get more people it is worth the trade off. Stop being such damn tight wads and let others have it as well so they will buy the damn game so we have more people to fight against. I really can’t with people who are so damn concerned about a character skin that has the same stats as a hunter. It is the point of getting more people to play at this point…

PS4 part I forgot to remove before posting.
