I think

I think That two consenting Adults should be able to dual to the death with no consequences to the law!

But there need to be three witness on each side and the reason for the duel needs to be serious!

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I’m gonna one up you and say bring back gladiators. There would be actual volunteers nowadays. Deathmatches are a human right.


Ima one up you! UFC and All melee sports should be combined and turned into Gladiator matches!!

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Then there’d be no non lethal sports lol gotta have a minor league here

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Non lethal sports? Baseball! We can leave Baseball! Just allow the use of roofs and extend all fields by 500 yards lol

Ya I dont think you should decide stuff like this unless you can spell duel.

XD sorry man couldn’t resist lol.

But, I guess?
But how many people actually wanna take it that far?
Over an arguement?

Tho I would like to see any martial arts fights that actually end up looking like a movie scene lol.


I mean a civil dispute that hasn’t been solved by the law or bettwr mean! Like two neighbors arguing over a fence one put up, should be able to settle it with a good ole fashion 10 pace shoot out!

I think at that point it would be up to the dueling people.

I think that’s too stupid a reason to tho lmao.
I feel a requirement would be a cool off period and both ppl think about it calmly and consider all the aftermath.

However, I think a lot of ppl should be down for a gladiator type show.
And like slut said, there would be plenty of ppl whod go willingly.

A nice way to make money for some lol

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Keep in mind these were the days where one shot isn’t likely to kill you, just leave you with a bum leg or something so people were probably more ballsy

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So we go back to using flint locks! Each towns Town Hall should have it set up for the duel in the back lol!

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That’s what I’m talkin about, community building projects like this are what make a culture strong. Good job opportunities too cuz scheduling would be a mess.

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I think they should randomly choose a city each year to host a Purge

And that they should bring back The Coliseum for this exact thing

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Ehhh Purge is to much!

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Why is the Purge too much?

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Purge are the cringiest idea holywood created yet, it makes no sense on way too many levels.
What WE need are bloodbowls.

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Well for starters, what would happen is what Happened in the First Purge movie not the one that came out first but the titled one!

Normal everyday citizens would not just kill there fellow citizen we would just ban together and throw massive parties and rob the large corporations, then we would probably start killing Politicians and such! It just wouldn’t work the way it’s supposed to!

Now at @Plu got a good idea! We just host Yearly BloodBowls where anyone can sign up and the winner gets a million bucks or some


Seems fine to me

You wouldn’t be forced to participate

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That’s what makes the purge so bad is that there is no rule against killing kids or worse the other thing! So ugggh I couldn’t imagine what would happen if it were real

It’s not like it would just happen

Any one not wanting to participate can get the fuck outta dodge

They’d have like a year to prepare

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This is true but what about the true targets of the Purge all the low income ppl that can’t get out of dodge