I want to play Pred but...

The only part I dont agree with is knives cutting nets but in game they had to or every person who gets netted would be instantly killed and what fun would that be. Because in the first avp they tried to get him out just to snap their knife in other words I understand where hes coming from even without agreeing

Yeah they waiting for new content…its Funny that i cant beat people as pred that i play ft with and iam not shitty pred 👍

Me and my squad… Try playing alone (perhaps he does) then find a competent predator and end up playing with 3 people that don’t do shit.

You can’t tell him he is bad at FT and then follow with “me and my squad”. Try randoms dude, perhaps you’re really bad and the squad is carrying you, who knows.

PS. I play randoms and I do win more then I lose but this dismissal that people do when they only look from the perspective of a 4 man premade is complete bullshit.

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I play solo aswell. And kill preds its not that hard. My win odd drop to 50/50 tho

Predator is plenty OP. Guessing your facing some sucky players to slap 99%, or your math skills suck as bad as the predators you’re facing.

Wrist launcher isn’t entirely useless. FT panic when they’re on fire. They also make mistakes. Kinda serves the same purpose as the net gun. Isolating targets.

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You savage🤣

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Jesus… I used to be a FT main, I’m part of the squad that only lost 2 matches out of 70+ playing with @KameofWar @Drakos @Fire @Kalypsio @madmardigan @GetToLaChappa @WhiteKala78 and a couple others (sorry, I forget the names…). We melt the Preds on first contact, regardless of class and set up. We can outrun any Pred in second wind, including Scouts.

It got to a point where we got bored of winning, and tried giving Pred players chances like not chasing them down in second wind, letting them heal uninterrupted…it didn’t matter. The moment they came back for another attack, we’d melt them.

I’ve been playing with randoms a lot lately for a challenge. I’m usually the only person on the team using a sensible loadout, I’m often matched up with guys running miniguns and XP perks (meaning noobs) so I’m the one carrying the squad, smashing out the objectives, reinforcing them, reviving them etc and yet my success rate is still 7 out of 10 matches. It only takes one player on FT to be good for a really skilled Predator to have a tough time. Even a squad of inexperienced FTs can bring down a competent Predator if they use some coordination.



Predator is not op lol. Its okay to admit you are trash at this game. Im sure you running sound off your tv if you think the pred is op. Lol git gud scrub

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I bet I can guess your ft loadout. You play dutch with action hero, Xp boost cause ur most likely under 100. And some other trash perk maybe slugger or shuffler. Lol im sure you are the 1st to get downed, you then proceeded to switch over to gamechat with ur cheap ass single ear piece headset. Scream that ur teammates are trash even tho they carry you 100% of matches you get into. Ur teammates probably spot the pred and they engage him while you run away with ur tail between your legs like a scared little puppy dog. The Predator notices you are alone via target isolation cause you dont know how to keep mud on urself and you die and get long claimed. Sound about right?

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You dont even make topics here. You just try to justify your trash at the game by saying the pred is op. Lol Git Gud scrub

You just need to learn to adapt to situations, it’s that simple.

Fuck your bitch. I win most all my matches as predator/FT don’t matter. Predator is OP. It’s ok to admin you suck ass as pred, pred boy.

Not even close!

Nah. The pred is not op. Lol im sure I got ur class setup down to a tea. Git gud scrub

Also not a pred boy play both sides cause thats how you play the game lol. Git gud scrub

You do know when predator crouches it increases the effectiveness of the predators cloak right? I’ve had ft literally run right past me

If that’s a thing that means the ft knows you’re there and you aren’t being a good predator…

You go both ways?
Lol xD.


Yeah man. Love is love nothing else matters. Also this is one of the players that woule most likey wreck my shit if I player against his squad. But the let two times I have met them I had the loadout Glitch that basically had me with the hunter with just meds and blades and caster, the 2nd was blue screened mid leap. Cant wait for the bugs to be fixed so we can have a propper match fire this is towards you as the team, that would mostly prope my pred with bullets and knifes