I want to play Pred but...

Lmao they did it on purpose xD. Not gonna lie I love to fk around too much so I’d be doing it too lol. That one kinda sucked for me cause I actually wanted to get into monster hunter. But I dont like slow combat paced games. But the little bit I did play, it was pretty cool.

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Im sure lol.

Dude you cant say pred is op just because you do good with him.

Ft on the other hand is op cause 1 person can kill a pred with 1 clip. So when you times that by 4 it becomes unreasonable.
I will agree with you, some preds are stupid.

But pred ain’t OP.
I feel you’re looking too much at it, as a 1v1, not a 1v4.
And those pred players who are complaining are looking and wanting this to be balanced as a 1v4.

Like I’m tired of hearing pred is OP just cause ppl do good with him. Hes not.

And i was kicked because i don’t move …

I don’t lose all my games, but it’s hard to feel like a predator in all games.

15 min to wait for predator don’t help to learn something

Thx Dexter for your replies, i see all movies, played AvP 1/2/2016 …

1 - i want to see how you can change direction instantly when running.
2 - the story of this games is simple, FireTeam are here to do their objectives not hunt something, they don’t know predator exist… they never see one of them. juste make a hunt mode for fireteam. if you want to play human together, just play callof ? battlefield ? cs ?
3 - rabbit jumping is a problem in lots of fps … when did you see Dutch jumping on himself ?
4 - To parry, Harrigan use the predator disk did with predator metal, predator broke a human weapons like a twig, so why a predator can parry knife ?? to help FT
5 - predator 2 , Harrigan don’t see the predator 5 meters in front of him … predator 1, they take 1hour to see him
6 - no, aim is not zooming, the predator helmet have multiple vision mode, can zoom in/out without weapons => films and games, FireTeam can spot the predator from far, pred can’t do it
7 - predator 2, AvP, human weapons can’t destroy predator net, it cut your glove, your vest, your corpe, your gun and your knife
8 - sorry i’m playing a predator game not “love together game” but ok good message…
9 - predator have the best technologies to hunt and they don’t take it …plasmer caster : auto-aim lost, disk auto-aim lost, laser mine ? the speargun : predator 2, avp games 1/2, it’s just the ultimate predator sniper, it exists in the the movie and the games and it’s not unbalanced, because humans have heavy weapons too
10 - new problem : why a human can bodyblock a predator ?
11 - i never saw a exausted predator, why stamina ? to help FT
12 - predators are mobile armory (predator 2 : speargun, netgun, disk, plasma, wristblades, spear, energy bolt) wtf in this game, i forgot my weapons in my other pred pants sorry ? why ? to help FT
13 - why human can see the plasma caster laser ? they don’t see it in movies, they just see 3 dots, why ? to help FT
14 - reinforcements ? just talk 10s to a radio and mass resurect is here ! why ? you have medikit, syringe, why ? to help FT and avoid leavers
15 - why FT can destroy Pred helmet ? pred metal, unbrokable for us, why ? to help FT, in old game, you lose it and you have to retake it on the ground (good trap to do)
16 - why predator don’t have reinforcement for item ? they don’t hunt alone in all movies, why ? to help FT
17 - why an invisible predator waste his time to make sounds ? to help FT
18 - how FT can disarm a predator bomb ? they don’t know their existance, they never see them, but they have a good smartphone with kaspersky ? why ?

I’m sorry if people are not agree with me, that’s your opinion.

I am lvl 145, i made 75% playing FT, why ? because, you earn XP fast, you earn money fast, you can do it alone and you find game in 30s !

For me Illfonic have lost the power of the predator because FireTeam will cry if they lose.
They want to do a tribute to universe but they forgot/removed lot of basic things.

Just play the games and you will undesrstand, old games was balanced, a human can kill a pred/alien alone, without nerf on this creatures because they are deadly too.


Dont buff fireteam or predator please

I don’t want buff, i want a rework, let me dream plz…
Where 1 predator = 4 humans, when you are really deadly, when a minigun can cut you just like that, where you are afraid for your life, where you feel like an hunted prey or a hunter, where there is more than one game mode :’(

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Ill give you advie how to become more deadly. Throw dem sticks and pull up with the glock

If you know how to use the handheld plasmacaster you win 80% of matches

Get out of town pred boy. Predator IS OP!! That fact is not even debatable.

  1. Has nearly unlimited plasma caster.
  2. Has near unlimited fire caster.
  3. Has nearly unlimited life. (As long as you eat pigs)
  4. Has increased second wind.
  5. Can destroy FT supplies.
  6. Nearly kills FT with one jump slam.
  7. Has 15 nets. (Which IMO, is too many)
  8. Can nearly kill FT with one charged up arrow shot.
  9. Can jump further than FT has stamina to run, giving predator the advantage of a quick heal or pig meal.

The list goes on. FT gets nerfed every update because of you pansies that can’t play.

Bro why do you have to come at me that way? You come at me like I’m irrelevant and only your opinion matters.

But il speak your language since you clearly dont wanna have a discussion.

You stupid fuck, you bitching and whining pred is OP cause YOURE DUMB ASS IS TRYING TO BALANCE THIS SHIT LIKE ITS A FUCKING 1V1.

ITS NOT. Yeah the pred energy recharges, it’s a common mechanic for many games. Your stupid ass ever heard of fucking mana?

You bitching about pred being able to destroy ft shit, ya well too fucking bad.
You fucking pieces of shit wont be happy til you get a cripple easy ass pred to fight.
But il make your stupid ignorant ass a deal.

You can destroy all the pred shit, if pred gets to destroy ft guns. Oh but of course, YOUR BITCH ASS WOUODNT BE ABLE TO HANDLE THAT AND THE MERE THOUGHT FUCKING SCARES YOUR PUSSY ASS.



you trying to one shot the fucking pred is BEYOND FUCKING STUPID.


I fucking HATE having to do this shit.
But how you fucking feel/think AINT A FUCKING FACT.
so dont fucking tell me it’s not debatable you IGNORANT FUCKING WORTHLESS PARASITE.

Either show respect and learn how to fucking talk, and stop thinking what you feel is fact, or go drink bleach.
Self centered people are the fucking worse, and don’t deserve to live. Fuck you.

You ignorant rude bitch.

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A. Cosmetic team. Gameplay team. Seperate people.
B. Bunny hopping is a bit annoying but you can get past it with giod aim
C.parries are dumb
D.not playing OBj. Also a problem, on PC at least
E. Invisible pred at 300. Yes
F.they watched the movies, but if made the game like the movies every matched would last 24 hours. You can’t copy paste movies into games like that.
G.cutting the net is a fair mechanic
H. They’re working on bugs, no devoloper of a game as a servic game is not working on bugs, these things take time.
I. The problem with the game is that the preds are over played. Thats why que times are so high. And your telling me that the game needs to put more focus on the pred? Especially when we need FT’s?
J. Bots are a goid idea
K. FT DPS is toi high
L. “Run in all directions” if your refering to juking just learn to aim with it. If your refering to seperating then thats actaully a good thing for pred.

You’re a fucking moron just like all the other pred boys that can’t play. Whine and bitch cause you want predator to be so OP, that is covers up the fact you can’t play. Predator is OP now!! You whiny bitches got your way, and had FT nerfed time and time again. Me whining?? No, you pred boys take to the forums bitching about dying as predator cause you suck at the game. I heard all you whiners on F13 forums too. Piss off you bitch! Everyone sees through your whiny ass shit.

I win damn near all my matches. Even vs full parties too.

You’re coming at me like I’m bitching and whining, when all i want is guns to be projectile, and the game to have a better smoother movement system and all the bugs removed.

That’s the main shit I want.

You talking all this shit, treating me like I’m one of the ppl who only bitch, yet I’m one of the very few people who actually try to talk to people and discuss balance, and find a compromise.

You fucking coming all ignorant and self centered at me for no reason. You started this shit not me.
But like I said. People who are self centered and only focus on what they want dont deserve to live.

So chill the fuck out and be civil, or drink some bleach.

We play it however you want to.
You’re opinion isnt fact. How you feel isnt fact.
The pred is not OP.

It’s ok if you feel like that way. But its not ok you thinking it’s a fact.

Go read up on shit I’ve said.
Go look to see where I’m only complaining and being selfish.

You won’t find that if you actually fucking read what I’m saying. Fucking coming at me all rude and ignorant.
Fuck outa here.

All your post, that I have seen; I have taken it like you are bitching that the predator is “too weak”, and needs a buff. I am here to tell you, I have played as both. I kill full lobbies in under five mins when I play as predator. Predator is OP and can down the whole FT without healing. This is why 95% of FT won’t do the objectives. They have to then fight against AI’s and a buffed out predator. That’s a smart play as FT not to play the objectives because then you have to shoot them and battle the predator that the same time, and it puts you at a huge disadvantage as FT. It is much more challenging to me to play as FT than predator. A smart predator sits back and waits on FT to have to battle a butt load of AI’s then attacks. So it is equally smart as FT just to not do the objectives. I go around as predator a destroy all med pack and ammo crates, but I think this is unfair and too easy. They have already nerfed the FT ammo and med load outs. Like they other guy said in this posting, you need a FT to play as predator so I don’t think FT needs to constantly get nerfed and predator should not be able to destroy their supplies. The que times to play as predator is so high because everyone wants to be predator. Why?? Because he is OP! No one want to play as FT just to get downed in less than five mins. I have literally had lobbied quit because they were downed so fast. It make for a boring ass game. No one will play just to die, so your “idea” for having predator “beefed up” even more makes no sense in a multiplayer game. People just simply will not play under those perimeters. You try to camouflage your argument by saying “I just want to have decent discussion”, but none of your post is decent discussion. You’re complaining that predator is under powered, when in fact he is over powered. They parry leveled the field in one on one battle, but now the devs done fucked that too because of all the whiny ass babies on here. A strong FT makes in challenging. But none of the whiny babies want a challenge, they want kills handed to them through nerfs and power up. I find the people on here, this forum, ridiculous and whiny as hell.

Dude, sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up! I get 15 plus “likes” on my comments about the predator being OP. Tons of people view him as OP. No one says anything because dicks like you just attack them. So much for your “decent discussions”. Go back to fortnite where you can out build your nine year olds!

You really want to compare likes?

I’m sitting at 2k+ likes, you have 102.
Who’s got the more popular opinion?

I literally just told you. The main thing I want is for guns to be projectiles. And for bugs to be fixed, and movement and attacking to be smoother.