I worry about the community

It could also be a balance force.

If you’ve been in the hollow knight community you’ll likely of seen hollow knight PVP. One player tries to beat the game normally (the game was originallysingle player, this is a mod), the others try to stop him.

Now in their community it’s the one ending.

But if this idea was extended to it’s own game then you could give the single player multiple endings, multiple win conditions, in order to force the opposition to spread out untill they figure out your plan, while the opposition has one, that being stop the player.

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This would be interesting, for any single player in general too

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Yeah, the count is arbitrary. I still thought i could equate them, buy it’s not easy.

Anyway, i think it was a clever and a bit sadistic outcome. We won’t see it often so i appreciate the originality. It’s a risk the pred never has to take so pulling it off kinda matters.

Oh agreed he’s king

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Console players are potatoes by default, unless proven otherwise

the fact that so many who claim to be good refuse to play with crossplay on shows just how “good” they really are

Same thing for PC , I just know some good pc players In this game and that’s it
The others are potatos as hell
Like c’mon why they play without gears or perks and they don’t know even how to mud up 😂


I trolled this Dante so hard man🤣


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we do this from time to time because the game is so easy and preds are so brain dead that you can even knife them to death because they are so stupid they continue to do melee after being parried 3 times

Nah Dude I’m not talking about good fireteams
I’m talking about 90% percent of players on this game that they actually don’t know how to play
PC and PS , no difference
Unless you try to tell me if I saw a pc potato he’s actually a try hard and he’s not potato 😂😂😂
Believe me or not I only know some people on pc that they are actually really good as fireteam and pred
PC has more potatos than ps ngl


whether you want to admit it or not, doesn’t change the fact that a lot of players who claim to be good at the game, turn crossplay off because they can’t keep up with PC players. Which shows that, on average, console players are potatoes

First of all my crossplay is On
It’s not a fair match between ps and pc and you know why

  1. PC can easily do 360 with mouse but on ps you can’t do that even with the highest sensitivity
    So it gives pc players alot advantage ( smart disc players can easily rotate smart disc because of that)
    2.aim with mouse is so much easier than controller, ofcourse it still needs skill but it’s not hard to learn if you play the game for some weeks at least
  2. The aim-assist on playstation destroy everything for them , like I don’t know why some pc players thinks that it gives ps players advantage
    What advantage?! Stuck the aim on pigs ?!?! or stuck the aim between two fireteam that doesn’t actually let you to choose between them Lmao
    Or maybe the advantage that when you try to shot predator mask and the aim stuck on pred Boddy because of aim assist
    So yeah , it’s not a fair fight between these platform but you can still see playstation players can win against some really good pc teams @Anonymous.Voorhees13
    So yeah you can’t call people potato if they don’t want to play with crossplay on
    And I forgot about something else

PC Predator players can easily set up their key bindings for each gears and weapons for predator and they don’t even need to use the wheel system to choose the next item
So yeah you’re just sitting on your chair and judging people cuz they don’t want to deal with all these stuff so they turned their crossplay off
Btw I’m not defending myself or anybody else, cuz me and my friends play the game with crossplay ON and most of the time we find some pc potato pred or pc potato fireteam
That’s the reason we only play private matches these days


So can PS players


This is an unfair assessment. I, in my opinion, am a decent player. I know the mechanics very well, I’ve played with one of the best PS teams and kept up (and in one match even did more damage than them), I help out with objectives, spot Pred, track Pred, ect. etc…but I have crossplay off. Because yes, I can’t keep up with PC players. If I was just chilling as Pred one night, having some easy going matches, and suddenly Sam’s full team pops up, I’d shit myself.

There are many, many other players that are actually very decent and also have crossplay off. Savage listed off a number of reasons why, the advantage gap is far, far too great. Only a very small margin of PS players can compete with PC, but there is a far larger player base that is good enough to hold their own on their own platform. Admittedly, the potato player margin is immense, compared to that, but you shouldn’t group everyone who chooses to not engage PC players into that group.

No we can’t
We only can set up two weapons on our controller , and for that we also have to delete the sound wheel for predator
So we can’t actually do all those stuff in the same time ( like choose a bear trap , healing syringe )
We can only choose two weapon on controller


Which is what matters the most with the biddings, being able to change between the weapons fast. But I saw some matches of jason or sturmi and I don’t remember them using the weapon wheel a single time during the match. Most PC players use the whell to seletct gear, they feel its easier since the other keys are further.

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So by saying this you agree with that we don’t have enough options like pc

If it’s a montage video , ofcourse you’re not gonna see that , but if it’s a full match , then you need to watch it againe cuz everytime if they try to heal they should use wheel , if they try to throw bear trap they should use wheel , and also they only can rotate between two weapon, so for the other weapon they also should use wheel


You already said you can set up 2 weapons on the controller, thats what matters, you dont need binding to select meds or traps.

Full match and the speed between combi -> bow and bow -> plasma seems pretty much the same.

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The only fair crossplay on a shooter game is between playstation and Xbox
Specially on this game


It’s not about being enough , it’s about having advantage
On pc you can change everything by only pressing a key but on ps you can’t , so it’s an example for that
And also middle a fight it’s so much better and faster if you do your things by just pressing on a key
It can save so much time for predator player

I can also do that , but still
You can’t disagree with the advantage on pc