Illfonic, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much

Ok, I just have to gush a little bit. I love this game so damn much, I’ve played ever since the game’s launch, preordered it too. I’ve been with it for its whole lifespan and had so much fun with it. I’ve made so many good memories with friends, played for hours, had such a great time even making a community to play the game with on PS4.

After all the updates, the support pretty much ending, I genuinely thought the game was just gonna fizzle and die out. I loved every update and played so much, and I’m thankful for all the fun I’ve had with this game and all my friends. I’ve come to peace that those moments are probably never gonna happen again.

UNTIL THIS FREAKING UPDATE!!! Illfonic I hope you guys read this, just thank you. I’ve loved all the updates in the past, all the new content, maps, even Clash, and it actually made me teary eyed reading the announcement for the new updates and content. This is my favorite multiplayer game and it always will be. Thank you for bringing it back into the limelight, you guys are the best.

Ok if you’ve gotten this far, thanks for reading my little fan-boy blurb. Seriously, I’m so excited, and I can’t wait to hop back in the jungle!

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You’re welcome buddy 👍🏻

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You’re the dude from Reddit who jizzed over this update. I’m hoping that with you being here you’ll read through and learn your precious update sucked ass and you’ll stop being so positive over it.

Not holding my breath.


You’re a real one ❤️

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Well my bad for being… positive? It’s just been so long since we’ve gotten a significant update, even one with half decent patch notes. Im just happy we’re getting something, and that the game is getting more updates in the future :)

its literally not significant when nothing really changed in practice


For potatoes, it doesn’t matter what update was released, what matters to them is that it just came out, they don’t delve deeply into the game process) they just play to relax, these are exactly the people illfonic is counting on)

skill issue

lets see reckless is still a bug inf lobbies is still a bug pred still weak then ft and many more so this update is not that good

You can be positive all you want. You just look like an idiot. This patch was a waste of time. When 5% of all that was fixed ACTUALLY matters, there’s a distinct problem.

I’ve been noticing that. Everyone hyped and excited about this update are causal players, they’re not part of our usual forum group or discords. They’re so blind to the bullshit.

Yeah that ignorance is bliss saying is fitting but fucked to see real time

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Yeah, keep getting melted by a PS player called The-_-Beekeeper because he LOVES the reckless glitch. I’ve just started bouncing if I see him in the lobby. It’s not worth my time to try and deal with getting melted in 2 secs by 1 guy. This update did nothing, they didn’t even fix the exile prelocks, or addressed if they’re looking at fixing a dlc people purchased. Nothing new here. Bullshit in and bullshit out.

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God damn. Sounds like you’re just generally unhappy if you’re calling random people idiots on forums

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I play the shit out of this game, used to look at all the stats and make builds and stuff using the stats from Skool-boy Skeptic. I know the game is unbalanced and stupid sometimes, but it’s part of its charm in my opinion. I still have lots of fun with it. Just because I like a game and I’m excited for updates doesn’t immediately make me a stupid casual player, like geez


bro the game is fucked up why cant you see that

I get where you’re coming from Paarturnax. While I’m not quite as impressed with the patch, I also appreciate the hell out of this game and have sunk an absurd amount of hours into it since launch. This is partly because I’m a huge fan of the franchise, but I’m also grateful to Illfonic for making the game in the first place and for the attention to detail paying homage to the original films.
I like many of the changes that were implemented and would encourage Illfonic to keep them coming. Obviously, there are old and new issues that need fixing, but I remain hopeful that things will continue to improve over the next few months.

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I feel the same way. The game is in no way perfect, but God DAMN is it fun. It’s one of those games I never get tired of, no matter how much I play, even when it’s buggy and stuff. I totally agree though, I’m pumped to see what’s next, even if it’s small.

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Oh I’m not saying the game is perfect or anything. I’m just saying I thought illfonic was gonna stop supporting it altogether, so to hear they’re gonna be updating until at least 2025?!! Awesome!!!

Yeah, its what we do here when people are ignorant. You have NO idea how deep the bullshit of this game and this company goes.

It kind of does, dude. You’re getting exciting and jizzing over an update that fixed literally 5% of what is ACTUALLY wrong with this game. You’re not looking at the bigger picture, you’re not researching the problems with this game and our history with trying to communicate with Illfonic to fix it and how ignorant they have been, and STILL are.

There is no charm in getting put into Second Wind from five SAWZ shots. There is no charm in being chased with four FTs with said gun and 1011’s dropping your health faster. There is no charm as a Predator with your primary weapon being nerfed, there is no charm with having one of your best weapons overall being nerfed. There is no charm having a horrible sprint toggle bug that makes gameplay almost impossible. There is no charm having Reckless still usable. There is no charm still being able to use Field Medic on Dante. There is no charm in this game, period. Illfonic made very sure of that.