It’s gonna drop on a Tuesday. Which Tuesday? One of them
IllFonic Says: PHG’s is coming to Xbox along with Updates.
Might it be True? So The Jungles again call out for Blood!? Guess it may be time to start sharpening my tools again 🤘😈🤘
Maybe we’ll finally get Pred Teams 🙏🤞
Hope they follow after helldiverse and let you customize human and predator armor and depending on how much armor, would depend on your stamina ect. Might be setting myself up for disappointment, but one can hope
Suck deeznutz, any seamen stain that puts another dime into this is a brain dead spoon .
“We want more money!” - faillfonic
I’m keeping expectations very, very low. I highly doubt anything they change will be cosmetic.
Would be nice, but id settle for glitch/bug fixes, and better matchmaking. Would be nice to have some kind of rank mode preds will dominate on lower skill spectrum and premades will dominate overall, no matter the balance changes, but that’s too much to ask for.
Lol. I bet you’ll be very tempted the first few weeks when things don’t look so bad.
Just like cool, refreshing mayo, PHG never expires. Even in direct sunlight.
How’s the saying go?
Let’s load n’ lock!
They got some necromancers working at illfonic cause wtf kind of black magic is this. I’m interested in seeing where they go with this. Maybe they can turn this failure into a success? I’m just shocked they even still give a shit enough to try again. Thought they wanted to sweep this game under the rug and pretend like it didn’t happen.
Huh. re downloaded forms after hearing the news. Kinda cool to see some lot of people from the past still here🔥👋🏽
I’m so stoked this is coming to xbox! All my friends play online on that platform. I pray it’s really optimized and excited for updates. I hope they add new maps. It is already in a decent state in terms of content this time around instead of 3 maps at launch. Fingers crossed. What a nice surprise predator and alien fans are eating good lately.
While I am sad how the state or the game has been I still have a lot of fun as a predator main. Curious what they are going to add hopefully perk reworks, specializations, the shrunken, the bolt caster, updated sounds for each movie predator, and different thermal modes throughout the movies (like red thermal mode from avp or aqua from predators) and feral.
While doing my best to keep my expectations in check, I really, really hope the Shaman Predator is one they add in their upcoming DLCs. That drip is scary as fuck, I want to hunt Xbox squeakers on night maps with this.
Your memory is about as good as the devs ability to listen to the community. Also how the hell you calling @fire or anyone else a grifter when you were the one trying to make money streaming the game? None of us did.
This. 100% this
I’ve done my part advertising this game lolol.
But super hyped, hopefully the game will improve only time will tell
Explosive resistance would be nice, impenetrable already exists. New pred perks would be cool too considering the new preds have such high perk caps
New pred weapons/gear would be sick.
Make the spear gun an equipment that weighs 4 and has 3 rounds like the one from prey.
The darts can be retrieved, and pin targets/slow fireteam like arrows.
I am so happy seeing old faces again! Look at everyone here😭🥹
I hope we get more predator weapons with splash damage to separate the fireteam better. People bitch about plasma spam but the only other splash damage move you can do is the ground slam. The boltcaster will be great but I don’t know how effective that would be, maybe a new variant of the predator bow as functionally it’s the same thing if you think about it.