Illfonic sucks ass

Huge responsibility for bearfoot now hahah. My god. Thought they stopped playing after they got exposed for spending weeks faking videos hahahh WOW


I find it scummy when someone asks you for a private match and then that person records it without even telling you.


All our privates back in the day. No vids, no screenshot, shit. We used to play every night too.

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Well it was for fun and to help certain people get better at the game.

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I feel like saving phg videos is like Firework videos on New Years.
Like are you honestly gonna go back and look at them?
Unless it’s some monumental achievement no one gives a fuck anyways.
I need the storage for other shit

You can store them all YouTube, its like an unlimited free Google drive


True. Upload em unlisted and delete it from your storage.


If you keep up with it. That can work. Slightly tedious

It’s all right. I usually clip a game. Upload it unlisted and delete the og video. Then i decide if its edit worthy or not. IF i even clip the video that is. Thats the main reason i play this game. Cuz i enjoy the editing and jokes of it all. Now i mainly just borrow others content and reform it cuz i cant be asked with this game and all the potatoes in pubs etc no more.

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Well if you have YouTube channel, you can go back and look at some of the older vids, just to see how much you improved (or not) over a certain time period.

Otherwise, it’s kinda waste of space.

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I saw that Teabag at 02:45 :´) Please hmu when he is flying over so we can get a livestream of the fight ready hahah. WOW


Assassin plays with Tek on Twitch so I’m assuming he’s a Voodoo. 🔪 fight him next time instead of twirling your mouse bitch.

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LOL I klled him the first time with disk for melee on the “knife fight”, it does less dmg than the wristblades + I’m using Elder which does less melee dmg

but…but He almost had you! ONE MORE HIT! you’d be dead. hahah WOW

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You were one heavy stab away though

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surprised he wasn’t Dante tbh

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Counting the traps in his head.
Ha you’re out now bitch.

Forgets to add plus two for large pouch.

the guy was actually pretty funny, not quite bearbear though 😂

Bear bear got old fast cause it’s not new shit. It was the same spiel over and over.

This guy was at least saying different shit for the scenario he’s in.

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