Im one is going to say anything? So F it

Tbf, I didn’t play the game too much during that event because I knew it would take away my joy for the game.

Now are there problems with the game in Balance, Bugs, Quality, Endgame Content, and Drop Rates? Definitely, but the fact that you know, the dev’s are still working on it, it’s not fair to say or think that they’re doing all this on purpose. It’s gonna be a while.

Apologize for what?? For Posting a meme? Lol😂 Come on man we’re in 2020 grow up

Stop taking everything so serious and have some fun😎

And that’s the weird thing, so making fun of a people as a joke wasn’t bad, but getting told to “Get Gud” as a Community Joke is bad? Something’s not adding up.

Yea and there is a time an place for it you…nahh you know what it’s whatever bro

If you really liked this game, you wouldn’t want to see people leaving it. More people leave, even less of a reason for illfonic to continue supporting the game so then support gets cancelled. No more updates, no more DLC, no more people playing it. Dead game. And I don’t know about you but I definitely don’t want that to happen any time soon.

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Or what if we dont choose either side?

Not everything is black and white.

You started a whole fiasco cause you refused to see it was a joke.
And you, did a dirty ass move trying to get ppl banned because you dont have a sense of humor.

You claim freedom of speech but when its something you dont like, you want it censored.

You don’t even care about the context.

Its hypocrisy.

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Again there is a time and place for it… when some is frustrated they obviously dont want to hear a troll being an idiot. That shit was funny for like a week when shit was balanced now it’s just irritating. But whatever its fine you all can be your own people. Again he responds like that to anyone bringing up balance and issues with the game. Like how is that not a dick move? And he’s obviously doing it to be vindictive and a asshole so how am i in the wrong here?

And where the game supposed to be? Oh I know…making the predator overpower that he’s able to kill everyone in one rush…so basically making the pred so easily to use that it takes no skills😀

Wow that sounds like a bunch of pred mains that they need to Git Gud🤷🏻‍♂️

So is James Cameron for being James Cameron. So is Dexter for Turtles. So is the Cuttlefish Guy for being the Cuttlefish Guy.

It’s what this community does for giggles.

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Do you play ft or pred?

I’m both😎

That’s how it is for FT right now though haha

Just from that response you never looked at anyones post that advocate balance just by that response we know not to take you seriously

Well ill give you that atleast, but you have to admit the quality of the game has degraded severely over the last couple of patches.

Yea those guys know how to do it. They know when to interject the comedy same for Senate guy. How do you not see that?!?

Exactly but if it was reversed he’d be the one complaining and “being fake”.

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Ft has had an extreme advantage for months.
Pred was never overpowered.

Now ft has the complete advantage.

Things are supposed to be balanced.
But I find it funny how you jump to that, yet I’m talking about performance and technical issues.

The game is pretty much unplayable atm.

But it’s kind of funny.

You sound exactly like deadeyebuddah.
You refuse to focus on the conversation abs only focus on what you want to.

I think you really are deadeyebuddah.
It would make your behavior make sense .
You want to talk shit but not get banned so you choose pictures to do so.

You still haven’t answered how those people are fake.

The word Fake does not fit in this situation.

Also james Cameron is never rude or an asshole? What do you mean (edit bro do you really think i got mad because people are posting pictures because if you did then I’ll just stop)

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That’s why it’s Called “FireTeam”
(Stronger and powerful Toguether)

( Weak And easy to be killed Alone)

I think @Xenomorph_2099 thinks broken isnt really being an asshole.

But if you look at his post throughout his life time here, broken is nothing but rude to those that don’t ass kiss this game.

It’s hard to tell because he only does it in pictures.
He does it this way on purpose so you think it’s all just jokes.

But check his post to before he started posting nothing but pictures.
He sounded like a typical call of duty douche, but not even the funny ones, the assholes no one likes.

I find it funny how people never remember these things.