Impenetrable perk does not work

So me and my friend are doing weapon test and we found that impenetrable doesn’t work anymore. We tested it out with Jungle Hunter with and without impenetrable and my friend used the 1911 pistol without bane. He did a total of 1010 damage with a full extended clip with the pistol and literally did the same damage amount when we tested with impenetrable and without.


Was it headshots? If so what condition was the mask in?

I tested with Kid. It was point blank range in the back. Impenetrable is definitely not working.


Damn that sucks, that’s one of my main perks

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Right. It’s always something. Good news, height advantage works, and it’s a 35% reduction in damage.

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That’s actually super solid damage resist I might look into that

Hopefully they fix it soon.


Just know that height advantage doesn’t effect mask health, so you have to be careful not to get sniped too often.

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I’ll run protection to make up for it, one tanky boi coming up

I can confirm as well - tested with Jungle Hunter and there was no difference in damage taken when using the perk and when not using it.

Good catch @Kidkipz!

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Tested with City Hunter and the perk works - seems to be an issue with Jungle Hunter? Were you able to test with other classes?

Just Berserk and you’ll be fine, just don’t use trees, use net with combistck and extra stamina boost

Yeah just use the one predator with a health pool who also needs a one specific perk to even be viable and then you can play the game

Can you test out with other classes or is it specifically labeled towards jungle hunter not working…

I main him lol…

That shows why predators are going down so fast. @OldKingHamlet @Courier this should be fix ASAP, pls tell the illfonic staff to do an hot fix before the mext patch. We cant wait one month every time to play the game with the proper perk. Pls don’t ignore.


Also nerf Yautja bane because it’s broken even with a fix impenetrable.

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Wait i got a theory what if bane was fine but it was too op cause of not the impenetrable perk not working lmao?..

Or am i being a dum dum

It wasnt fine even before man, don’t warry. The game was already in favor of ft before, but at least you could have won. Now is just non sense. One ft can solo the Predator even at high level.


Im aware :P

but i know that impenetratable perk was the one saving my ass

In scenarios ofc if i had one guy chasing me lmao

We tested revolver damage and with assault class is the same of Barrett 50 cal, so basically now you have 2 primary weapons (if playing Assault class) , one rifle and one pocket sniper…

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