
Each spike does 500 damage.

Ughhhhhh…back to the testing board again…lol. Looks like I’m gonna have to give it another whirl with testing. I appreciate you doing testing as well, I know it takes a whole lotta time doing these things.

The problem is that if the team is not trolling , they focus on the mission. After First second wind , when you come back to their village latest position, they will fly over your head with the chopper and say “goodbye Predy, see you next time”.

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How many meters away were you from the pred when you fired?

Edit: Just tested it rn and literally no difference. I used a recon with no bane, SAWZ-50,0m away, and shot the preds back. 235 is the base damage of the SAWZ. We tested without impenetrable, 235 damage. With impenetrable, again, 235 damage. Idk if its the game where it works for some players or it dont. Im really confused af rn on this whole thing.

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The distance you see in the third photo.

Gotcha. Idk impenetrable is weird. 😑

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Ok safe to say that game decides to bug out on pigs,movement, perks now

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I like Impatient more with Med and Large pouch perks. I mean, if you’re standing still and eating bullets like a dummy, Impenetrable isn’t gonna help you much.

Okay, something is wrong here. Why wouldn’t you test at the closest range?

Alright, I guess the next step is video. Maybe impenetrable can be bypassed a close range? I don’t know.

Regardless, Bane has always been 10 percent. Predators aren’t losing because of bane. There losing because fireteam has more health and speed, but the hunt is actually fun now. The current challenge is much more exciting than getting 7 claims every match, before v2.

No man, we tested from same distance even before. In the previous patch 7 shots were required for killing hunter, now 5/6. Plus the test should be done in a distance that is more similar to a real game. So shooting with any gun 1 cm to the Predator is usless.
I don’t know what do you mean for 7 claims, the meta was in favor of fireteam even before. That was the reason in tournaments for both ps4 and Pc there were limitation for loadouts and weapons. Now even with those linitations, the game is close to impossibile for Predator , at HIGH level.

Most of my hunts would go the same way every time. I’d get 3 kills, let the fireteam get redeploy and go for 4 more kills. I almost always had seven kills at the end of the match.

Since v2, I try to get the elimination right away, because there usually isn’t enough time to kill three people twice before they can finish the mission.

Turn on the crossplay man

PS4 vs PS4. If illfonic can’t bother to give standard aim assist to controller players and regulate minimum graphics, why should I bother.

The game balance is perfect on console right now, and that is all I care about.

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The game might be balance for ps4 vs ps4. The problem is that for Pc platform fireteam is too strong , and it always been like that. Now we the new update you can be a God and still lose 99% of your game. The game is native with crossplay ON, then you can turn off if you want. Balance should consider both plaforms even if one is smaller. I agree with graohic settings for ps4 for ganing fps, but I can garantee you the efficence you have with medium is the same (talking about how good you can play, not fps).

This, we agree on.

im saying it doesnt matter… if you lose early you lose no matter what

I miss that one charge plasma catsr it was risky getting seen but totally worth the damage when you sew that dud go down.


The game was originally for PS4 only in its early development, the crossplay idea came later. Probably as a way to ensure they’d make a decent enough profit, who knows. Trying to appease the crossplay players is why this game is becoming so buggy and unbalanced, and it’s PS4 players who are suffering most from that imbalance so eventually they turn Crossplay Off (to discover a more enjoyable game experience, funny how that works) and from what I’ve been told has a knock on effect of increasing wait times for PC Pred mains. They should have just kept crossplay out of the mix and released on the two platforms independent from each other.

Saying Crossplay is On as default and insinuating that the game is set up for crossplay first therefore is how it should be played for optimum balance is wrong, inversion of controls for flying disc have a default setting too (which for anyone who has played alot of flying sims will tell you isn’t how they should be).


They had to. Fireteam would be boring if you couldn’t play the way YOU want to play. But yeah, it has made balancing a nightmare. First change they should make is reduce support gear slots to 14. And increase the gear of all the other classes by 1, and give scout 14 perk points.

The game at realeased was with native cross plat on, so it’s not wrong. And btw the balance is in favor of ft for pc but for ps4 is in favor of Predator. The best experience will be playing against 1 pc + 3 ps4. Obv for best experience I mean a challeging game, not 7 skulls let them caaling reinforcements, as many ps4 main predator with cross play off usually say.

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