
Someone at Illfonic logged in and deleted all of Fantasma’s threads and his account. What sort of total solar eclipse rarity event is this?

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@MassImpact124 and @YautjaSymbiote I need your interpretations of this matter


Patch G4E:

Fixed: nothing
Shadow nerfs: @Fantasma forum damage decreased 20%

Classic illfonic


I wonder if this will effect the forum meta? You reckon they’ll continue to shadow buff their ability to not communicate

it turns out that they still read this forum)) and know about the main Fanatic bug, which completely breaks this game, I think illfonic can easily fix this by simply removing this specialization. But they don’t want to do it)))

No they don’t. Yesterday I emailed illfonic and copied sony entertainment executives.

My hopes were that they would close the forum, but I guess that was wishful thinking

I think they are testing telepathic communication and this is a way of telling us that they are trying to communicate but there are still to many bugs to work through.

They may have been trying to say ‘let this game dye’ by deleting posts, but it backfired and just gave us more hope .

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There is no hope

What are their options at this point? People can open up new accounts if banned. They can find creative ways to go around language filters too. Is their only move to shut down the forums?

I mean, is there any reason why these forums should be alive?

Almost everyone who posts here don’t even play the game anymore. There’s no more active development or bug fixes and 75% of the topics here have absolutely nothing to do with the game and just bashing at each other for opinions and points of view on religion, politics, etc.

They usually ban IP addresses, which is stupid because you can always use a VPN.

I really hope they close this shit because clearly there’s not going to be any oversight or control and the only way they will make a gesture of content moderation is by emailing their boss’s bosses.

Next time someone posts some pornography I’m not even taking it to them and I’m reporting them directly to the authorities. Nothing get companies in line like a nice and hefty government fine.

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Damn one would swear fantasma was making those post about you.

So why did it bother you so much?

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Yeah you have a point. These are dying forums for a dead game.
Why the hell should they bother to revisit the forum and start moderating now if they’ve already made it clear that they’ve abandoned the game?

Wah I wanna get the forums closed wah

I think @JelouGaming is a heterophobe.


Jelou if you don’t like the forum or the fact that it exists, nothing is preventing you from logging out and going outside or doing literally anything else. One would swear you’re being held hostage and and they’re forcing you to be on here and attempt to enforce old rules or close down the forum. Seriously how does this place’s continued existence deeply affect you?

Remember, this is my home and I’m the no life who spends all his time here and obsesses over the forum xD.

I blame @MassImpact124


Y’know what’s funny, Jelou and Clutch repeatedly saying that shit to you and trying to use that image of a random fat dude as you would have got them banned if the forum rules were actually enforced.
Rules for thee and not for me type shit.

God dammit @MassImpact124! You can’t keep doing this to us!!!


Yeah but see, unlike them I’m not a cūck insecure bitch ass snowflake xD.

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Also didn’t he admit to hacking the game which is a flagrant violation of ToS?
By his own logic shouldn’t he himself be banned from the game and from epic games?
Hacking is classified as a copyright violation and contract violation too, so unless he’s willing to catch a criminal misdemeanor charge, he should sit down and shut up lol.

Oh the hypocrisy.

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Kind of like those russians who keep playing this game.


solar eclipse is happening right now! Literally NASA Live!

I assume some people are just Illfonic comedians who do redimentary backups of shit and they are located in brazil or something. and on their downtime they make up voices and play the game with people in russia.