Is hacking in ps4 possible?

Well, look on my reply on what I think or usually is about cheating peers. You must be a bit pathetic and have no life outside your basement or parent’s bedroom in the first place to do so, regardless.

Well, so much for competitiveness, if you play CoD and you wanna get good and compete like in other games out there, you have competitions that might take place locally, nationally and internationally.

Good luck trying to be competitive and win on that if you consider yourself a real sport with cheating. Hah!

Is kind of a circlejerk done by yourself to yourself.

Also, no, I don’t play CoD, PubG, Fortnite, Rainbow six, simply because you don’t have competition you have brainless shooting, grinding and strategy that you can learn by playing over and over and know the characters and is the same in principle as the mania of what MOBA is.

Is literally like junk food for your brain, despite some skills and performances and competitions out there.

I prefer predator hunting grounds for the perk of enjoyment over exacerbated competitiveness.

If I want something good and nutritious for my brain, I just play a nice old fashion game of chess. Lovely and classic. Or a decent strategy (RTS) game.

Aren’t your folks from the Russian Federation busy farming bitcoins with their Playstation console farms in those parts?

With that jailbreaking you just place yourself in that less of a 1% of users who actively use those kind of things. Good luck with appreciating your PSN perks and services with that, Boris.

I know that can be done. What i’m sayong is that using modded controllers do nothing but simulate human inputs, so, even they watch the recording, they see nothing but a human using the max capabilities of the game. They can just presume, and they don’t ban people based in presumption…

You don’t get the point here. If they monitor your session or activity they will be able to figure out by analyzing the gameplay if you cheat or not. Cheaters have a pattern. And at Sony you have people to do that.

Oh, I get. It’s you who don’t get it.
What i’m trying to say is that is impossible to prove with no doubt that someone is using a modded controller just by watching a gameplay footage. One can suspect, yes. But irrefutable proof, no. And Sony doesn’t ban or suspend accounts based on mere suspects.

That’s why Sony doesn’t work alone. Usually when it comes to cheaters people pitch in as community and get the cheater in hot waters. Is a complex thing that even if it takes time, eventually you can be caught.

Look at some reports done here to illfonic for example. It kind of adds up especially if more people come and complain about the peers.

If. A person headshots 50 times in a row I suppose it can be suspected and investigated for cheating for exmple. Even pros have a different way or approach of gameplay.

Lmaooooo…you literally just love to talk out of your ass. SHROUD, one of the biggest names in Esports was caught cheating, but guess what, nobody gives a shit and his followers love him still. Btw SHROUD makes millions, so no, cheating doesnt necessary mean you’re a loser living in your parents basement. Y’all got this whole perception all twisted about certain people for real.

People cheat when they have something to get out of it. There is nothing to be gained by cheating in PHG so nobody does it.

You know ironically, is PHG that has brainless shooting with hit scan weapons. All the competitive esports implement travel time and bullet drop. You know a game is easy when you can red dot snipe your target from 400m away, try doing that in a competitive game and you’ll miss every time, guaranteed.

True, in Valorant you make one step in any direction, fire your weapon and you’ll miss your shot every time.
Try spraying bullets in that game and you won’t hit anything.

In PHG you can jump from the cliff and hit your targed while you’re flying down.
PHG is easy mode FPS game and still the majority are potatoes who even with aim assist, can’t hit shit.

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Yeah, but you said it yourself in some way and many said it here, Predator Hunting Grounds is not meant and as it is designed doesn’t look like a game where you get too competitive.

Why would you be competitive as much as making it an E-sport event? Pit of this type of game at least. Do you see those types of events occurring from things like Dead by Daylight?

Cause if I am not mistaken and from what I know, none of those things are or shoud be too competitive aside some fun, lore and respects paid for the franchise?

Aside that, E-Sports gather the most toxic of peers when it comes to the type of environment it nurtures, if we look at CS Go or Dota, tell me how much you like those flaming peers or overall folks playing those type of titles. Ranked competitoons or not.

So, I think the game is good in its state and the actual cheating in it is laughable as it destroys the atmosphere, you have literally nothing to gain in terms of…anything and you end up looking like the laughing stock of the class with your edgy wanna be rage. Even if a bit of realism in terms of physics would make it look more polished and cared for, and I do not deny that or anybody who is a fan.

If you want somethingore realistic, fine jump to the Sniper games, or encourage such mechanics here. Don’t come here venting about your frustrations or whatever you have going on with your life.

Well, if you don’t know how to talk and address things or you don’t mind your stupid language, then you can go nicely somewhere else.

I don’t give a shit about Esports, and whatever you mumble about. If you wanna get sporty get involved into those games and try to beat the guy at it, whoever it is you talk about there.

If you also like money so much, try working in a bank or at the stock market. Your type of mentality is kind of the same mentality of “gimme moneh!” that pollutes even developers that want cash by the buckets when releasing a game with micro transactions.

Now go on, get your primitive troglodite-thinking ass, outta here.

Dude, everything started because you made some dumb questions about anti cheat on PC as if the reason why you may be losing to PC players is because they cheat. Maybe it’s you who is so pathetic at playing this and any game that you assume anyone who beats you or is good at the game is because of cheating.

The PC version has an anti cheat software already, it comes to show how little you know about what you’re talking about.

Hey, “dude” quote me where I say that I specifically… “I”(ME) am saying that I complain or whatever garbage you say there.

Shooters on PC are easier to point and shoot just as point and click is. So your argument with pc or whatever you wanna say there, is irrelevant. On PC you do have better aim and control. You learn that since you first get into shooters and strategy on pc.

I only mentioned cheating and an anti cheat program because they should come with that as games, shooters in 2021. I never knew it comes with anti cheat and what that is since I have no pc build at hand, smart ass. And just to prove I know what I am talkig about I mentioned punkbuster, as example.

And given that I never said what you claim, apparently I am not the one making shit up.

So again, if you come here just to argue with no point and throwing shitty words, crawl under your rock and keep it to yourself. I don’t know what your issues are, but go see a specialist is my strong advice.


PS: and about cheating, is crappy, no matter how you put it because it takes the fun and sport out of it. Ruins the experience, simple. For everybody…

Lol you’re on some shit kid.

You like to assume much, do you? Keep at it…

OH, and learn how to be respectful and at least read and try comprehend (I know it might be challenging for the likes of you) what people talk about in the first place. Don’t throw crap around and make stuff up out of your behind.

Now, my question is, why are you so fired up about cheating and how I say they are? Are you one and I hurt your feelings?..

I Put an entire clip in a PSTATION player mid heal Yuajia Bane Perk and Assault Merc Rifle Torso up and didn’t die, anything is possible.

I fought Alpha Pred Tracker, Hunter Analytic, JH Disciplined and some others, all mentioned were on PlayStation.

I just played a PC gamer who was always cloaked and knew where I was even when I had mud on while behind a fence. Somehow he got fire on himself which made him always on fire which is how I knew where he was. His name in the lobby was ??? then after the game started it turned to something like defaultplayer265.

That’s not hack.

True, just an exploit.