What you’re describing there its an AFK BOT, not a macro. Whatever dude…
Is it OK to use macros in this game?
Right, I don’t want to play with people who have an unfair advantage. So don’t tell me I want easy games, I want balanced games. When one side is disadvantaged… its not balanced.
Well that’s relieving lol
It’s fine tbh, it’s just one less thing to worry about, it does give you an advantage, I won’t deny that, in tournament play I would say remove it, but as a PS player, I can fire just as fast as a macro would enable you to. Cheating in my opinion would be invincibility, total invisibility, or aim bot, or exploiting the game giving infinite this or that without the intention of the Devs letting you do it in the first place.
you know what you can do though, don’t know if it was intentional, but you can equip the grenades and fast throw them in a split second. we were testing some ridiculous custom matches and gave ourselves like 12 grenades, I could throw them so fast it would throw more grenades that what I actually had. It ended up in negative numbers, lol. Obviously a bug but was ridiculously fun in a clash match. It looked like hiroshima
Reread the given definition
No need, I know what its says and nowhere does it says anything about macros being cheating.
Custom matches were an amazing update lol sometimes if I need cash I’ll just play a few solos with max speed and minimal gravity, max explosion radius… just toss grenades straight up and everything dies.
Oh, ok. So, using a program to auto-click, which is a dishonest mashing of buttons done by someone other than yourself, isn’t the definition listed? Sorry, my bad
Its not really auto-click, you push a button instead of pushing more buttons, you’re still the one pushing buttons. Also if we go by who designed the program, you’re entire PS or even the game is designed by someone else. My software that I use come with the hardware I both, from Logitech, its not some backyard chopshop…
Siiiiigh, I can see we’re dealing with a brick wall. Our conversation here is done. Good luck an God speed in your endevours
The analysis would be that mouse users have a quick response advantage. Aiming would be shit, but at least they are aiming in the right direction and making an attempt at spotting quicker than a controlller user would have.
I’ll keep that in mind next time I run out of V
Dude, you have no idea what you are talking about. For instance this game has just 1 macro that has any use at all.
Instead of hitting mouse button ONCE to shoot, you hit it once and it the macro makes it like you hit it 5 times. That’s the extent of the macro that this game has and its like limited to 1 damn pistol.
The software is also like a soft you would get on you console FROM SONY!
This is what I talked about. Is insanely stupid.
Its all symantics and time based ratios. I mean if this suicide grenader were to be compared to someone who KNEW WHEN to throw the grendade without the macro, then you would have a balancing off.
The macro guy would basically lose all his grenades in one shot, where the other would not.
What the fuck is the arguement?? That one can suicide himself off?
dude that is not a macro. is just clicking away. try it
ironically, I tried the macro to see how far I could push it and it didn’t work at all, it just threw one, lol
also, this is just for fun. I am not getting in a match with 18 grenades unless we are trolling, among friends
I dont think you need to wait for illfonic’s answer.
If something isn’t available as a default option to every player, not to mention that some players are not even aware of the existense of macros, then its an unfair advantage.
Especially in this game.
This game is not about two fireteams going against each other (i am not talking about Clash mode obviously).
The predator doesnt have the kind of weapon that can be altered to fire rapidly and cause 10 times the damage like what you showed in the video!
I honestly dont understand why Illfonic alllows it.
There should at least be a checkbox named “macros accepted” so you can be matched (or not) with players that use macros.
But instead of all that complexity…
how about playing the game as it was designed to be played guys and gals?
It’s still fun!
- yeah macros are cheat
- they are banable according to easy anti cheat (the anti cheat this game uses )
To this they shall respond “well I bought a monitor that puts a crosshair on my screen in a game that intentionally has no crosshairs, is that cheating?”
and the reply is “Yes” but they defend it because they paid for it so they do it anyways, much like chinese scripters that don’t understand the concept of cheating. Making games have to offset crosshairs.