Is this a bug, desync or cheat?

Just linking my original thread here for this because I thought this was a hack at first but now torn between that and some kind of bug because while I was one shotted to Second Wind and then dead later from 85% and roughly 60% health each respectively but I downed someone as well and they just died instantly so I am not sure.

If you down a FT member enough times he dies instantly.
About your situation as the Predator, it was either a bug ( because in this game nothing is uncommon at this point ), or a hack. But it looks and seems like a hack to me.

I mean I never downed anyone before the start of that clip but I think now his team was fucking him.

A guy here thinks it was him desyncing but I haven’t heard of a desync, then again I am ignorant on the subject, that puts the desync’d player ahead of the rest of the players sync’d. I assumed that could only be that they were behind.

If it was a desync your health would’ve dropped fast, but not instantly. It’s like taking damage from no where. Do you want a link that explains point blank with images and vids how the desync works in multiplayer games?

No I mean he thought the guy that shot me desync’d. But I would like to see that actually.

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Me too, but no. It still wasn’t a desync. Even if it presumably was him who desynced.

Maybe you got macro’d

This needs to be addressed asap
Although now that i see the post he says its all 💯 in game. Point being this game is broke enough hacks are hardly needed.

That is what I suspected too but a guy brought up a point. If I got macro’d he could have swiped out of the net instantly.

Could still be it and he was trying to hide it but it was always going to be obvious anyways so it is a little odd.

Ya he is either turning a macro on and of or doesnt have one bound to f imo. Ive seen posts about the dx11 wallhack but nothing else even in my searches online so im still dubious of damage and map penetrating hacking claims thus far though entirely possible.


Good you recorded this cause even if it was the glitch where the entire mag goes into one shot I looks like the PC boi be cheating

As in ya figure he is deliberately triggering that glitch?

Good point