Based on all the problems that exist within this game. Is P:HG Dead?

  • Yes
  • No

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more than 10 minutes to play as predator here on South America.

So yes, i think the games is dead

But ONLY for that reason, the bugs doesnt bother me, i know they will be patched sooner or lather.

It may as well be given its continued, pathetic state.

Dunno about ā€˜deadā€™ but the hype for it has deff dropped since launch. No big name streamers are playing it either. It might pick up again (hopefully) once some decent new content drops like new maps or game modes.

Itā€™s not dead. But itā€™s dying

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i will wait until it comes free with playstation plus

it shouldnt be long now

That maybe because youā€™re in South America. In the US itā€™s 3-4 minutes for predator for me at most

šŸ˜§ Iā€™m on east coast us and itā€™s 20-30

Is your connection fucked like what the hell. Even at its worse itā€™s never been that bad. Iā€™m also on the east coast

exactly, thats why i specify it.
We cant get tired of playing this game simply because we cant play it at all.

East coast and I find predator hunts in 4 - 6 minutes. I will say that the lack of threat from the fireteam makes playing predator somewhat redundant.


what you guys think is the solution for the long wait times ? other much older games like dead by daylight doesnt have this trouble ( and they arent a triple A studio either )

If the predator wins he should be left in the map until a new fireteam loads in.

In between fireteams he could have A.I trophies of increasing difficulty.

Every 5 wins a row against ft he has to face 2 fireteams at once

Make a leaderboard šŸ‘Œ

I believe ā€œdeadā€ is a strong word.

Now, one thing is for sure itā€™s appeal started to fade and with it players that were putting hours on the game daily, now skip a day or two; with new games coming out the attention will be shifted.

The game launched in a period of time where the majority of people were staying home and there werenā€™t many games being launched at that time; thatā€™s what feels to be a miss for me because the game launched with the same content of the trial and it got wore out pretty fast. The game didnā€™t use the advantage to release a solid content that would enable retention of players.

After all, we might wnd up with a rather smaller group of people who returns to the game often.

The game is dying quickly. They are so many quality of life problems that have not been addressed, it is killing those that were once interested in it. Once these issues are addressed Iā€™m sure people will return.

In my opinion, it seems that the main issues are the Q times. Long queue times for predator to only be in a lobby with two or three people is frustrating. Is this because of connectivity problems or is this because players are no longer interested in playing? I have a hard time believing that people have moved on to the train wreck of a game ā€œThe Last of Us IIā€

If you do happen to get into a game you then have to deal with the issues that revolve around controls/frame rate issues/glitches/balancing.


The core problem is the amount of bugs. Queque time is not a real problem of illfonic but it s because there are too many people that only play predator and NEVER play fireteam. They have to remove all of these bugs, add content more for ft and increase the difficulty of the predator, because right now is too easy to pub stomp but too hard against experienced players. People have to understand that if you play only predator you cant write post in the forum like a retard complaining about queque time.
Bug fix, balance, more map and game mode, ranked ststem and the game will stay alive for more than one year at least.

yea still 20-30 mins PC U.S.

I think its dead because of the NPC going ā€œMUD, WHY?ā€

Thats it! Thatā€™s exactly it! LOL!

Itā€™s dead for me lol I canā€™t even go 5 min into the game without a bug or some type of bs glitch. Minimal everything on this game. Minimal effort
It was fun for like the 1st few weeks. Now itā€™s just repetitive and boring. Thereā€™s nothing of worth as in any unlockable items. Like this game is literally skin and bones lol

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