Issues with Prey

I could say the same about Nemesis in RE but then its not really the same monster fundamentally anymore.

you have a walking brawling zombie pin cushion.
Same issue with Upgrade being bulletproof.

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Granted. That’s the approach the took with him. Bulky, durable, melee skilled.

It is canon

Why do people keep trying to act as if the majority of comics aren’t canon? I know like the batman ones aren’t but I still think the majority are, right?

But he did one shot it with a single punch. Sure wrestled it but when it charged all it took was one punch. When it comes to Naru though it goes back to the same old trope of throwing them.



the “canon” is represented only by the movies,

all the rest is Expanded Universe, so not canon: comics, videogames, book, etc, nothing is canonical except the movies.

This was also proved by the recent movie Prey:
the pistol that Elder has was present in the movie, and the pistol’s origin is DIFFERENT from comic in which Elder gets it (Predator 1718).

Don’t get me wrong, I love the expanded universe (as you can see from my profile pic), some stuff there it’s even better than the movies, but they are not canon, despite all the informations they give.

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They need to make Ahab and a few other comic predators canon. Like let them make a cameo or something.


Yeah Ahab has a great story, and I will always consider Life and Death and Fire and Stone canonical in my “ideal canon”, even if they are not.

Everyone’s free to have theirs, important thing is knowing the truth.

I can agree, I will keep comics canon to me even though I now know they aren’t actually canon.

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Yeah, stuff like that happens in other movie. The ‘villain’ will be tossing the the ‘hero’ around until it bites him in the ass.

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Yeah this happens in basically all media ever. The Villain could reasonably just choke someone out or punch them to death but they start tossing them around. It’s a trope as old as time itself. At least Yautja have canonical precedence for this since they can become very sadistic & arrogant and like to drag some kills out because of their superiority complex. Though to be completely fair to Feral, when he did get Naru in the chokehold and slammed her down, the only thing that saved her from death was quick thinking by kicking against the floor to get her head between some rocks that stopped the Shield.


Due to it being a film franchise and Predator not having a designated writer.

Just a bunch of randos that want to rewrite them everytime, plus its all so disconnected to begin with

I feel like it’s the classic underdog formula. They hold out long enough for the opponent to make a mistake.

Im yet to rewatch so i dont quite remember the detail. It might not seem as bad the second time through

Harrigan said in the novelization that’s how it was on their ship, so it is

Why did the Pred let the wolf run into him to start a fight? That seemed like a cheap basketball move… I call foul.

She smacked his face with the mace part of the spear earlier in the battle, so it had to soften the mandible enough for her to break and rip off.

Ok so I actually think that the pred’s blood is bioluminescent upon contact with the air, more specifically oxygen.
BioChem: Just like how our blood clots when exposed to the air, I believe the glowing blood we see is a change that is brought on by the presence of air. First off, I’d say that the pred’s blood is likely naturally green but not glowing due to biliverdin (or something similar), a green bile pigment found in Prasinohaema lizards. This is supported by the fact that on the face between the inside of the mandibles and jaw where there is a fleshy area it does not glow. There would be catalysts that are free floating in the blood (like clotting agents and other loose materials in our plasma) but lack an oxidizer needed for a reaction to produce light. However when exposed to air, and therefore the oxygen in the air, the oxidizer would be added, and the light producing reaction takes place. The high concentrations of biliverdin would be present mostly in the blood, so when the blood glows it would glow the classic green we all know and love.
Now as for duration, if it was two catalysts requiring an oxidizer to react, it would not need cellular function to occur, but over time as the catalysts are used, it would gradually decrease. We see this in the original film when the blood on Anna’s pant leg gradually dims from when it was fresh.
This solves all problems while conforming to biological standards.

Just from bio speculation here, but I actually think that the glow could evolutionarily serve 2 purposes, it could be one, the other, none, or both, but some speculation for the uses of it is fun:

  1. Distraction: While it would be a disadvantage when it comes to tracking, having blood that glows could distract a predator when it first injures a yautja, giving it time to reposition/retreat (think how JH played Dutch into following the trail). Also in low light environments, (possibly supported by preds evolving to see in the non-visible spectrums) the sudden light could temporarily blind/disoriente a predator that sees in the visible spectrum and is used to low-light.
  2. Clotting Accelerant: Heat is another form of energy released by reactions, and reactions are sped up by increased heat. Predators are not shown to bleed nearly as much as humans, even when impaled or having limbs amputated, so they likely have much better clotting factors and time than us. This reaction that produces heat and light could primarily serve to greatly reduce blood loss by speeding up the clotting process via heat, with the light being a secondary effect.

Nice analysis.

It would make sense for the enzyme to be present in some amount in blood if the accelerated coagulation hypothesis is correct so only O2 would be needed if reaction is similar to luciferin. The glow does disappear over time as you mentioned in OG movie.

The blood in the leaf seemed like it didn’t coagulate much tho and there was some drip iirc. Perhaps the concentration of coagulation factors was not as high as it would be in blood vessels upon injury.

Overall i think it could work. What do you think @moralez?

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The predator is just movie of showing how not to make a predator movie so I wouldn’t count that. Preds have been shot multiple times and don’t die even in comics or games shot in the ace like Scarface losing his eye so I don’t think one shot to the head will always kill a pred depends on the gun and where the bullets penetrate I guess and like city hunter taking shotgun shots to the gut and getting up just fine but the head is definitely a more sensitive spot

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