I mean… was it really that hard to just make it look exactly the same? Dan knew he is walking in to a very inhospitable territory of die-hard predator fans - did he really thought this shit is not going to get spotted… like day after release?
Issues with Prey
No, it probably wasn’t that hard, I mean look at how well they recreated the original Michael Myers mask for Halloween Kills. In my opinion they should have just left Raphael and his pistol out of it and just made new characters because this was such a huge waste and let down.
Good eye yea looks different i agree with ahab they shoulda left it out or as i say jus made this about the elder instead but i doubt they even considered it because doing ao would mean the elder would have to win
If feral would be replace by Grey Back in this movie - it wolud be one of the best, if not the best of them all
Yea I’d agree but they probably didn’t even consider it because then the elder would have to win meaning he would kill naru which they would never do because she is just unstoppable lol
Exactly my point - the best of them all!
Honestly Greyback probably would be the best predator if we get to see him in action on screen.
Yea and he’s actually my favorite predator so I’d be all for it
Dan took a massive commitment upon himself by ret conning the story - he now needs to show us how that pistol finds its way behind Grey Back’s belt
If he does get ready for his reimagined version of greyback
He really needs to, in my opinion he should not have been allowed to retcon that story because he just created a gap in predator lore that needs to be refilled.
I sware to God almighty - if he will give Grey Back this stupid half breed face - I’m out
Yeah, I hope Disney’s Fox doesn’t let him touch Greyback, because Feral was way to stupid and to be an Elder you can’t be super idiotic and reckless.
C’mon guys he was excited even for die hard fans to see his version of predator lol
In fairness to him he said he just wanted to capture the gradual unveiling of the predator which I can respect but it wasn’t a good choice in hindsight
Yeah and he made an okay movie with great action and a horrible predator.
Yea before it came out I felt it was either gonna be a good movie with a bad deaign, bad movie with a ok design, or a bad movie with a bad design and it was the 1st
/fuck my shit? you for real? didyou photoshop this? this is either unexceptable or unbelieveable. You are unbeleivable! Stop the film from being broadcasted!!! Nkotrum has uncoverered a trufffe!!
This movie is now dead to me ;-(
believe it~! non shut up and review it proper.
Obviously you missed Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of fuck this…