Neh I Wouldn’t call that plot armor. Just unrealistically weak bear traps
Issues with Prey
Weak? It pierced through her leg tho if its able to do that its not that weak
His whole body was in the water when the bear was on top of him
City Hunter was standing in a puddle in LA and shorting out the whole time walking up to King Willie
It did hit his gun but in all fairness he would still have been fucked up. One shot took out Blaine’s whole chest, based off of that shot alone Dutch would have suffered from a lot of burns if not just outright being killed by being in such close proximity to the blast.
Good points but is it out of the realm to consider it was a quick shit instead of a charged
Charged or not it still blew up the gun which would have sent shrapnel of some kind right at Dutch, plus the heat from the blast would have left him some plasma burns.
That’s fair
Strong is relative
Forgot about that scene, was thinking of when he jumped in the shallow stream
Elementary my dear Watson
They need rebreathers. They breathe mostly nitrogen and methane and oxygen is slightly poisonous. Longest they can last on earth with no mask is about a week
And who said this? It’s not stated in any movie if I remember correctly.
Lots of things. The way Naru pulls her axe after hitting the trees… I feel like getting a brain aneurysm. Also how Feral was kinda good in combat, but Naru got to hit him with the axe (I think it was the axe) like 20 times when she jumped at him from the tree… I hated that. I didn’t like the final battle… at all.
MK did it first
TBF he was shot in the head. The fact he wasn’t dead was a miracle.
I remember when I was like 8 and I got into some stupid fight with my little sis, ya know typical sibling bullshit, and she jumped on my back and bit into my shoulder. You’d be surprised how hard it is to throw a much smaller, and often faster, target off of your back especially when they start getting hits in.
Lol, the Shirai Rayu have the rights about it.
NGL, this is a very good point. Still, the whole mechanics of the trap… I’m not happy about it. It could have been something more… simple?
OK, I’ll give you that, but this is a guy that carried a bear… like… I don’t know, just didn’t like the whole thing (the final battle)
the end fight was trash. the part where she thrust the spear at him, and the spear is in her hands, her body would have to hold that force, like hitting something too solid with a baseball bat and it rattles your hands, this thing manhandled a bear, it would be like poking a brick wall, it would have flung her backward when he blocked it, but instead it deflects his shield like he has noodle arms and cuts one of em off. weak af
why did the predator not see naru and walk right by her at the fire? the herbs made her body temp low, but not invisible. earlier the guy played dead and the predator still got him, seems like he’d notice a cold dead body standing there upright. how was he able to fight her afterward then? or is that why he just stumbled around getting wrecked, he was fighting an invisible person?