It amazes me

Yeah if you think PHG has good matchmaking you are actually retarded.

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Only issue with matchmaking in aliens is that you don’t get enough time. I can usually get players though, sometimes it just takes a couple of minutes. The reason it isn’t like getting FT members in PHG is because in Aliens you are searching for your specific map and difficultly level. It’s actually a good thing. In pred you have no choice what map you are getting.

in game chat on console isn’t great but it’s usable.

Its not a good thing, its a bad thing. You need to go trough multiple missions hopping that you hit someone in that same map, same difficulty and hope he is in there waiting. It takes quite some time of trial and error before you find someone and usually its just one, not 2. Death sentence at higher difficulties.

It’s not that hard on playstation. Maybe there’s more players. I’d rather be able to choose my map and difficulty rather than having it randomised like PHG. I’ve had to restart a lobby countdown a few times but I always get somebody.

Aliens doesn’t function at all right now

I tried playing last night

This is what happened

That happened with me earlier , I closed the app and booted back up and it seemed to work .

Maybe you don’t deserve to play 😔

We can try some games later if you want , if it doesn’t work can always play some hunting grounds

Not for me 😔

Did you install the latest update that dropped today

I had an update last night

Massive update over 13 gigs

The video is what happened immediately after

There is one from today , hopefully its a good fix

I’ll check in a bit

Just waking now up

Its 14gb again , the fixes they drop make you download the full game size each time 🙄

They churning out patches I’ll give them that

Too bad there is only 3 more dlcs though

Hopefully they add at least another campaign

Or horde mode maps

And PvP

I tried phg after to see if it was my connection and man those times were glorious

22 secs for FT

2 mins for predator

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Really? It’s been incremental for PS5. Biggest was about 1.4 gb

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Each one for me on ps4 pro is over 14gb

Seen this once myself. Reboot fixed it. I think it was caused by a guy starting a mission which I accepted, then he disconnected.

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I think they will add alot more and longer than 4 dlcs , its “season one” so sounds like they have more in mind.

Do you ever rebuild your consoles database? It won’t have anything to do with the games issues but it can help with certain things

They said they were only committing to a year of dlc

The first dlc was season one

Hopefully they add more

I’ve considered rebuilding my database but tore my Ps4 down recently to clean all the dirt from the inside because my Ps4 actually overheated

Got the message and everything

It would have been a good idea to put new thermal paste in aswell , made the world of difference to mine.

Rebuilding takes 2 minutes , hold down the power button when off until it beeps twice and select rebuild database . Runs better

Ya didn’t replace the thermal paste

I just cleaned the heat sync with compressed air

Quiet as a baby again

There was a ridiculous amount of dirt in it

Not dust


Living in the desert has it’s drawbacks

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