It amazes me

Yeah, its probably because you are on PS, on PC, its not long and its going to be dead.
Check how many players it lost on steam alone:

From 15550 down to 3482 (peak)

If I had a quarter for every time I heard this

Still broken on PS4

Automatically kicks me from the lobby

Mission don’t launch

Well done sir

Well done

Check the link I posted and see how fast it lost players. Right now its damn hard to find games on PC even by jumping from mission to mission. Finding 2 people is quite hard and its a must for higher difficulties… The biggest issue is the no quick play game, the steam forum had a ton of requests for it.


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Sorry to hear that

Last night I couldn’t find a single game

After today’s patch I had some issues but finally got a match

Only half of hunting grounds has quick play 😁

why are games like this now?

my 4 hour generic copypaste shooter with its aimless roadmap is still less buggy than your 4 hour generic copypaste shooter with its aimless roadmap!

I dread the next apologist AvP.

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no pvp, no text or any kind of comms in a co-op shooter just lol and they act like its an immense burden to implement anything other than pinging, broken perks & pre-planned content. gee just like illfonic, we have pvp and open comms keeping our janky boat afloat though.

after the AFT playerbase dropped off a cliff in two weeks once people ran through the campaign it was done & thats without the matchmaking being split into 10 different queues while also being unplayable solo. If they can’t fix that they better start fixing the bots for the 70 people still playing in a month.

at this rate we’re probably not getting an AvP anyways and if we do it’s going to come from some tiny chinese company frankensteining unreal engine blueprints with scotch tape and peppermint. We will clap because LOOK ITS A 0 BUDGET AVP GAME.

We hear your feedback and are glad you are enjoying the game, however this is currently unplanned on our roadmap for the foreseeable future, please continue to leave your valueable feedback :)

Yeah, I hear that PC chat as well as quick play is not on the roadmap and at that point I stopped playing. Last game I buy from them unless they include basic features…

They’ve been making AVP games since the 90s

There will be another one likely on next gen

Maybe they made seperate games to guage the franchises popularity in the current social climate? Also that’s 3 different games to milk

Add in the Fortnite skins which I’m sure sold well and any business person would agree that a next gen AVP game should be made

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Its rumoured one is in development, illfonic confirmed in an interview (take it with a grain of salt) that fox were in talks with another developer with an alien game , but they opted for hunting grounds . Could have been cold iron or possibly an avp game .

The pred skin in fortnite was free , but the Ripley and Sarah Connor skin you had to buy i think

Exactly. They’ve been saying GTA 5 is dead for years. It’s clearly not.

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It sucks you have issues on ps4. One of my regular ft is on ps4 and says its fine apart from frame drops which were massively improved by a database rebuild and deleting some un needed games.
I actually don’t think it should have been a ps4 release unless they gave an option to reduce graphics to boost fps.

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Yeah same here. Only had the blue screen once, and a restart cleared that up, haven’t had it again. (Only happened because I was downloading another Star Wars game at the time & the strain of that + the final spawn wave crashed it) The frame drops on spawn are real tho.

Anyways off to play Star Wars Bounty Hunter (just an absolutely awesome classic!) & Star Wars Racer & Racer Revenge (words cannot describe my love of these pod racing games).

Comparing a triple A game that’s easily one of the most popular gaming franchises of all time with mod support and twitch numbers carried entirely by modded roleplay servers


If the entirety of GTA 5 was shooting at the same AI in few campaigns & it didnt drop to a fraction of its playerbase in a matter of weeks you might have a leg to stand on.

Yawn, the professional contrarian has arrived.

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Sounds like you realized that was a silly comparison

hell you can’t even compared it to L4D because L4D is carried by its mod support.

or you know, KF2.
Mod support.

Look man. It’s just a simple way of saying that all the “this game is dead” BS is something that’s been said for years and GTA is the greatest example of it. Even PHG allegedly died about 6 months ago if you believe the crap on here. You need to stop picking apart every little word and see the actual meaning once in a while.

Aliens is a budget priced game compared to bigger releases. It’s good for what it is.

Mod support.

Tbh this is a pvp game.
PvP carried colonial marines on life support for an odd something months. Safe to say more thought went into pvp here than it did CM’s tacked on multiplayer mode.
How many people do you know were still playing through the campaign 3, 4, 5 months after release though, im curious?

such a spicy hot cheeto take mb mb.
circle the wagons we must defend the honor of shitty outsourced devs sticking blueprints together because its a liscensed IP plz no bully.
Look at all the other “budget-priced games” that don’t spiral into irrelevancy and see what they have in common.