It seems like the Predator was buffed a bit too much...

Ok Predator Mains, calm down.

Right around launch I was pleading for a Predator buff as I was getting wiped by fireteams quickly left and right. After a few patches I thought they got it to a point where it was a pretty good balance. Even after the Viking patch, the Predator was a good challenge, you had to work as a team to bring it down. They buffed the plasma pistol, disc, elder sword, sickle, things seemed pretty balanced for a good few months. After I platinumed the game I switched back to mostly playing FT as I like to get on with Friends.

But after 2.11, we’ve hardly been able to get a Predator into second wind. Typically a Predator would have to be at least cautious in a hit and run and while claiming, but with the new perk that protects his back, there’s little risk to claiming. It seems like we’re pumping the Pred full of rounds as they’re claiming but they just hop away without getting close to second wind. Cut to hearing a herd of pigs killed in the distance, rinse and repeat.

Just my thoughts here, the recent Pred buff was too much. I know people have been griping about the Rocket Launcher but I’ve been using it and it hardly does any significant damage, has a slow reload time, and only a few rounds. Impenetrable + Ironside with the recent all around armor buffs has turned Preds into damage soaking machines.


What weapon have you been using?

Solo que?


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Recently I’ve been playing the two new classes, Beast Mode and OWLF. New Plasma Rifle with detection mine launcher for OWLF and RL with Revolver for Beast Mode. Haven’t had my full FT crew on yet so most we’ve had is 3 and yeah randos are never much help it seems. Still just basing this experience from similar setups on previous patches.

Ya people have been complaing that those two new guns the ones your using, the plasma gun and RL, do so much less damage than regular guns.

Thats why its taking so long to kill.

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Nerf branches

They don’t stop bullets - not even in games

Quickplay is much harder now especially when your team is doing negligible damage

Or fleeing in terror

Or camping

I find myself going solo against the predator in a lot of matches

Fully charged shots need to use more energy

Predator shooting arrows is almost impossible to see




They added a rocket launcher? Dear god what else have I missed XD did they add a nuke too?

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So don’t just use guns you think should cheese?

It hasn’t.
We’ve been killing preds with little problem.
Ft has the complete advantage atm.
Dont think it will change.


Cheese? Wtf does a dairy product have to do with guns?

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What are you even saying?

A. I’m not complaining. I’m explaining the current syate of the game and how the pred was not overbuffed. Your taking my comment out of context.

B. Your saying don’t use guns that can cheese, so use the new guns that take so long to kill that I’m supposedly complaining about?

Again what is this response.


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Jesus fucking Christ


Team work is absolutely essential now

Nothing wrong with that

The problem is players don’t know how to operate as a team, are scared, dumb or likely a combination of the three

A lot of players give the vibe that this is their very first experience with a video game


Your kidding right?

           *Predator finally gets buffed*

FT mains
Allow us to introduce ourselves


Agreed tho Durbs


He’s using the new guns which are actaully balanced. Thats the problem. He thought all weapons were brought to their level.




Wait a minute I recognize that name…

You snag the name before he could?