It seems like the Predator was buffed a bit too much...

Feel free to disagree with me everybody haha. I really enjoy playing Predator as well, like I said when the game launched I felt he was way underpowered. Pred has been buffed plenty over the months, they’ve buffed his weapons, isolation scan detection of pigs, stamina, armor, energy…

I do want it to be a terrifying experience to go against a Predator, just not one were it seems we have the obvious advantage but Preds can be lazy because they can take heavy sustained fire now.

I was also worried about the effects specializations and these new weapons would have on Predator players. So I need to hop into a few rounds as a Predator again and see what my experience is.

Appreciate the "GiT GuD"s and “Easy for us” comments as always.

Regardless of our opinions though, I’m sure Illfonic has their backend stats and if the seesaw has gone too in favor of Pred on wins, they’ll probably do further balance tweaking.

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I dont understand how you think or feel that pred can take a lot of damage.
Everytime I’m playing I feel like pred gets burnt through quickly.

Both when I’m playing pred, and ft.

If anything things were better earlier on.


Hey I may very well be wrong based on my limited experience hopping back into the game, perhaps I just ran into only preds using Ironside with Impenetrable.

It even says in the patch notes:

Significantly increased the amount of damage resistance gained from Impenetrable Resistance

I’m just mainly seeing instances where pre-patch they should’ve obviously been in 2nd Wind, and post patch I’m really surprised they’re not. Also noticing some plasma spam abuse since they buffed that and I’ve seen some Predator mains on this forum even post that they feel guilty about that specific one.

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Not to pry too much but are the RidgeTop from AVP Galxy podcast or you just snag the same name?

Yep, that’s me.

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Hey I can say i met a celebrity now

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Hah, I don’t think I’d go quite that far.

Welp, just had some Predator rounds and idk maybe I’m just rusty now. Been playing too much Warzone I guess. Fireteams were on it, would be nice if I could get some of these crazy lethal FT’s as randos on occasion. Typically my damage is in the 2500 range as FT,


Ya. Typically death squads hang out together so solo quers typically end up getting bad solo quers.

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Yea, love the podcasts and discussions, but I will have to disagree.

Of course, the Predator in this game is like a in a movie. He isn’t a massive hulk of a man but he can definitely beat someone like Arnold in a fight you know? The problem is that Predator sometimes can’t not actually deal enough damage, nor be able to sustain all the sources of damage dealing FT can dish out. You ever face against a team of Supports decked out in Health Kits, Dexterous and Field Medic Specialization? You ever try fighting a team with two of them? Good luck man.

Honestly, most of this Patch was actually pretty healthy for the game. Plasma Caster got a nice buff that cements it as your bread and butter Ranged attack and your main perk against Bullet Based Damage got buffed as well as base damage mitigation across all classes, which is a good thing. The BEAST Rocket Launcher and Plasma Rifle are fine for what they do, shit, maybe the Plasma Rifle could even use a very tiny buff because while it bypasses the Bullet Damage Resist for Pred, it’s not up to par in terms of Pred based Damage. Clears up A.I/Objectives real good tho.

Also 2.5k Pred Damage? Not bad. Impressive if you aren’t using Assault-Deadly/Bane of Yautja


Appreciate that, thanks for tuning into the podcast.

2500 just doesn’t cut it when a lot of the randos are in the 50-200 range.

I agree the new Plasma Rifle could use a little bit of a buff. For Predator, maybe a slight nerf of PC splash damage and perhaps even a direct hit buff. Slight nerf of Impenetrable and Ironside.

I’m really not advocating for too much change here I guess. As I mentioned I’m sure Illfonic looks at internal win stats after each balance patch. I was reminded you have your crazy good fireteams as well when I hopped back on as Predator. It’s tricky to get it right.

I have a bit more context now, after playing just as FT right after the patch I was just having a really frustrating experience trying to get Preds to second wind. Always the jumpy ones with the bow.

Similar to what @Brand described in his post here: 2.11 Pred buff

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Well, I think there is just 1 thing to say in this situation:
Git Gud
(Just trolling)

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Ran some tests last night. Viking impenetrable gets second winded by scout duelist using 2nd pistol before having to reload very quickly. Assault deadly with Yautja’s Bane using AK melts the pred in exactly 2 seconds all body shots

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Ya it’s been like that for months.
Not the pistols, but the a.k.

With just bane and no specialty,
It it took I believe 3.8 secs if I remember correctly.
I do know it was 1 clip of extended mag.

The result is we just start playing range like a buncha bitches lol.

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But, least gives fact to your argument that Predator is definitely not a tank. Seen someone above you say Predator is now too op and can sponge up damage basically? But, when a scout can second wind me in 3 seconds with a pistol on first clip using Duelist and no bane on the highest health predator with impenetrable… tell me again predator is too op? I got melted with a motherfuckin pistol in a test run lmao



I played zerker yesterday just for fun. Got down to 2 guys left. Downed one. Had full health at the time. Went for the claim in front of the other guy. Scout with duelist. In the two seconds it took to claim, he second winded me with one well timed gernade and a pistol.

I’m sorry, but fuck off with pred is OP. This game’s balance and overall functionality is rancid trash. Pred is nothing in this game. The pussy complainers have ruined it. I’m about ready to move on.

Just started playing Modern Warfare. Never played any COD before yesterday but it’s fun. Know how many bugs I’ve encountered? Fucking zero.


Well see. When you run with randoms, it can definitely seem like that.

cough @TheETgamer cough

Lol jk.
I just like giving ET a hard time.

The worse on is @REYNOSO_FUA11 he always gets killed cause he cant see the pred coming through his fur suit.



I can’t see the pred coming because the game says I’m not allowed to have any hearing, also because you never spot shit you degenerate, the randoms did more work than you and all they did was watch while I got my spine ripped out.

No @TheETgamer deserves it. He knows what he did.


I thought you were into that kinky shit?