It takes some balls...

Thinking anyone will risk trying to make a dent on the assassins creed and arkham asylum genres with a predator ip that hasnt been relevant in quite some time :/

Open world singleplayer-only games are very expensive screw ups


Literally just make a Predator Monster Hunter game. Doesn’t even need a compelling storyline like that.

Like monster hunter world monster hunter? Pick a weapon and swing at a monster for 20 minutes?

Now that’s just fanboism speaking.

If all you want is that, download UE4 and start making your own video game using unpacked assets from other games (including this one).

It’s like saying make a standalone playable xenomorph game.

I don’t blame them for trying to reserve campaigns to avp games because the playerbases are pretty niche by themselves. It gives them a reason to do 3 short campaigns with extremely varied playstyles.

Otherwise you have to make a campaign long enough to justify the price point with basically a mute protagonist in a prototype/infamous style game which don’t do well these days seeing as that whole anti-hero open world genre is gone.

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I wouldn’t say is gone, but most definitely it isn’t a cash cow unless you have an established franchise (star wars, assassins creed, batman, marvel, etc.)

It is their fault. Making this game asymmetrical piece of shit without any meat on the bone.

Occupy phorum. Blame 1%ers. Illfonic = friend? 😁

J/k. I am sympathetic for those situation, but I’m too set in my ways to say something nice without a small jab

That bring said…Here is our view of things - update not ready or lawsuit barrs it’s release. He is their view of things - Heads) update not ready (beat scenario for us as it will likely be ready soon and if not we’ll get a statement as May hits - first workday). Tails) update ready, update ready, update ready, for some reason resdy update but not released (must be the lawsuit).

So im sure they know more than we do considering both of the possibilities.

Anybody see a possibility if the coin lands on it’s edge?

Smh, don’t test me.


Did you stop playing and request a refund at launch? You totally could have.

Yea the ones in control are fox studios (Disney) and Sony they have to sign off on anything illfonic does, says, and wants to bring to the table like ideas for future DLC. Sony and Disney are the ones we should be blowing up and shitting on for making illfonic sign non disclosure agreements.

Well the game is wack. So it’s probably just building frustration making people upset about things they shouldn’t be super mad about. If that makes sense

Lol no I did not do that. Unfortunately I’m a simp for predator. So I was gonna play this game regardless. They unfortunately just released the game not really finished. And now that it does feel cleaner, we still don’t have half the predators we want, a good dlc map (excavation is buns) or a good additional mode (COD hard point mode is buns) and a META where the game is actually close to balance yes. But ONLY if you spam plasma caster using down range. Otherwise get rammed by a 4 stack with ease. The game is a far cry from what I’d hoped they’d bring us after they so well captured the feel of the Friday the 13th films

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As much as I agree that the potential this game had is not close to being reached, I can’t say I didn’t get my money’s worth. I hope the devs can get things back on track, but if their hands are tied in legal red tape, we can’t be mad at them. “Shit happens.”

agree, for $40 you usually get an early access game, which is what this game is, regardless of the marketing

Should of been free to play

agree, but is not developed by a big company, so I understand the need to charge something for it

There is not NEARLY enough cosmetic variety for this game to survive on micros… If they were able to pump out a bunch more preds/armors and human crap then maybe…

Welp it ain’t much better in it’s current state