It's quiet..... too quiet.

Is it just me, or does this month, with paid and free dlc coming, feel as if it is a little too quiet for comfort?

Heck, even their socials seem like they have been slowing down, re posting old posts over and over.

Sorta feels like stuff is starting to slow down 😕


Nothing out of the ordinary so I wouldn’t be too concerned.


Just a shame how they don’t really try anything new.

Their past dlcs are lack luster to the majority of the community, but they don’t try different things.

They themselves seem to have given up in regards in wanting to generate any hype or excitement surrounding their game and are only really leaving it up to the hope of the few that still play.

Just feels empty man.

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I’m just waiting for that 15 player mode.
If it’s not 3v12 its gonna be a huge disappointment, but what else is new?


Time for them to inquire help from partnered or parent companies. Would only help the game, maybe even them too if they do it right


Games stale right now and they haven’t had a good history of home run DLC drops (see bug reports). It’s the same old wait and see deal as every month, it’s just two months long now so you forget the DLC is coming

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DLC is dropping as we speak!!



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revert of pred hp and melee attack speed

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ive done traditionalist at least 7 times… it must be bugged.

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The moment that happens Im shouting as soon as I spawn and going for all 3 preds

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How is that any different than how you normally play?

not much different


Make sure to buy 3 times more beer so you could absorb 3 times more powaaaa


Illfonic is not allowed to talk about what their working on. They did say the DLC will be coming within 3 weeks

I just hope when the Predator dlc come there’s more gear items like mainly traps, a healing syringe, and Predator dogs.

More traps? Jesus Christ. No thanks. I barely use the ones I have. And I don’t even know how they would make hounds work. Don’t see that one happening, unfortunately.

A healing syringe sounds cool and all, but I’m hoping for more of an adrenaline type syringe. Something that mitigates 80% damage for five or six seconds and is limited to one use per match. Just something to turn the tides against fireteams that tend to melt Predators in seconds. I routinely play in groups where it’s first come, first served on damage numbers. 😂

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Well see, instead of all of us banning together and saying enough! Let’s make real changes to help this game! We have those few people going “no the game is great. Meh. The game is great. Meh.” And the devs seem to live in that tunnel exclusively and ONLY listen to that feedback lol

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“We will talk about it more when we can” , translated? “You will know what it could possibly be and when , when it drops to download”.

There is no promotion of upcoming stuff , when you get it you get it and the most promotion and advertising is in the patch notes 🤣.

The “hotfixes” disguised as “updates”.


Literally hahah