Its time to speak about defuse

@Courier i think its time to make ppl trying defuse and not only run away

  1. Give players 1000 veritarium for successful defuse (keep the bonus exp for pred body)
  2. Give players 300-500 veritarium for trying to defuse (non successful )
  3. Make it obvious to players that they need to defuse the bomb

Or make it the entirety of the map so they cant tun away so certain players stop ruining stats for the game


that way “tie” is eliminated (i dont know if that is good or bad )

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1000 is kinda a lot lol for a very simple mini game

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In terms to the “tie” it Favors the pred since It dose not count as a win for Daily challenges.

So yes

You get 400 for just getting the optional so maybe 500 for a defuse

400 vert? Wow I just actually learned something about this game I did not know lol

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Why? So predators can force a draw? So predators can kill people by failing at the game? You can even trigger the bomb by killing yourself to AI or leaving the map grounds. Oh yes, that would be so fun…


its the only way to force ppl try defusing (or idk if they dont defuse and pred explode they should get “Defeat”/“Tie” pop up ) (or both)

It should not be more then tie, predator winning by getting killed is absurd to say the least.

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I used to get the whole no defuse thing but I’ve come around on it now. I mean…you put in all that work taking down the pred only for the match to end in what is technically a draw? Why?


Sincerely, i don’t even understand why FT players do not try to defuse. I try it all the times, unless the Pred goes down away from me and i clearly don’t have time to reach it, destroy the biomask and defuse the bomb…
Defusing the bomb it’s really not that hard, all it takes is a little bit of practice to know the glyphs and keep calm.

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Well rn you can’t blame the players as much there’s 0 reason to as we are all level capped. The only time I defuse is if there’s a daily/weekly) or if I physically could not get away before the explosion. It’s just a boring defend portion I get no XP and I wanna get into my next match

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Because to me its a win, if the predator is dead to me that equals to a win, don’t care what the game states. Me alive, him dead = win.


I’ve said this so many times and people argue with me… if you’re dead and the other team is alive you lose lol


but why? its a waste of time for lv 150 players


Yeah it crazy. I could be also adding in the pred body to that but im not certain.

I would end a match with lets say 1500 vt to be even and then the match would be over and Id have 1900 so it gives alot but again It could be due to getting the body as well so idk.

Mhm easy fixes. Make it so you cant self destruct if you down yourself or out of bounds. And fix the clipping issue when the pred goes into the defuse stance

Waste of time? Its 45 seconds!

45 seconds wasted