Its time to speak about defuse

You also have yet to explain why he should get free kills by losing? I will be fine with this if he also has to do a minigame to activate the bomb. If not I should do something equally easy as hitting a button and run out.

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And a boring AI shootoutā€¦ And a risk to fail(because of you doing something wrong or a bug) and blow yourself upā€¦


Free kills? Defuse and he dosent get kills. Simple!

Or you know run around gathering VT for 45 seconds

Can we all at least agree that itā€™s dumb that defusing the bomb is the ultimate win condition. (If thatā€™s even true Iā€™m the first place)

Forget killing the Predator this arbitrary mini game is the true decider between a win or a lost.


Seriously thoughā€¦itā€™s a video game. What do you gain by not getting blown up other than the match ending quicker? Considering the state of field lockers now thereā€™s incentive to run around and grab any VT on the map you might have missed.

So you think its fine to give one side something as simple as hitting a button with the potential to kill everyone unless they do a minigame to stop it? Come on manā€¦ Imagine if the last man standing has a nuke on him and unless the predator find him and kills him in under a map he kills the predator.]

PS. Donā€™t need VT.

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exactly lol
its nonsense to wait
we often quit when the pred is downed and when we didnt get much VT that match


I have no idea how to defuse and iā€™m scared of messing it up so i never bother with it, iā€™m a new player btw and just got the game so thatā€™s probably why i feel that way about it.


Try it once or twice and you will see its not that difficult.

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So fine we make it lore correct. 13 square city blocks Predator 2. If you can outrun that then your Free to do what you wish

Yeah youā€™re not gonna learn if you donā€™t try. Itā€™s not that hard once you get the hang of it

Edit: and youā€™ve got a lot to gain and nothing to lose in your case if youā€™re not level 150

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  1. according to rules if pred kills all ft members its win no matter if pred died or not
  2. if 4 ppl try to defuse there is 0% possibility to fail (if they fail they are bad for real)

What people gain in a game, entertainment, its up to each and one of us to decide. To me risking death to disarm is not ā€œfunā€. The moment the predator is dead, the match is over for me, the rest is boring and uninteresting. No point staying 45 seconds more. If someone disarm I go afk by the body. I canā€™t win 2 times over that pred. If the predator would instead of blowing up, come back to life if not disarmed I would do it.
Also I donā€™t care for anything that I can find in field lockers.


If Arnold can outrun it after a bunch of symbols when down, so can I.

It can bug out and nobody can disarm it, happened to me a bunch of times. The predator also can be with the face at the wall making it almost impossible to disarm him.

That said I really donā€™t care what the rules say, I extract my own fun out of the game.

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Thats the reason they fixed in in cannon and gave ducth radiation sickness and also said that JH bomb was defective

if you have fun with ties its ok for me ,i just dont want you in my team

Donā€™t know much about predator lore, only movie stuff, general stuff. Dutch seems to be alive and well, running better then I do at my age, I think I will risk it :) As for defective, donā€™t know man. Point is game mechanics =/= lore. Having the predator do nothing but hit a button to activate it and then the FT having to do a minigame to stop it and if you fail you all die is nonenese in my book.

But you can be the one to disarm it. I promise not to stop you!

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Why should people be forced to defuse? Arnie didnā€™t defuse. Itā€™s not a thing in any of the movies just a silly minigame that makes you stay in the match killing braindead AI.
Itā€™s just a bonus ending after the FTā€™s already killed the predator so you can tbag the body.


I made a post about this last night

Why is FT required to capture the Predator when they are not the OWLF?

Makes absolutely zero sense

They need to fix the cobbled together narrative or the win conditions and boost capture rewards

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